Most of a) .the. world’s glaciers are found near b) the Poles, but c) zero........ glaciers exist on all of d) .the........ world’s continents. e)They......... need f) ..a....... special kind of climate. Most are found in g) .the........ areas of high snowfall in winter and cool temperatures in summer. These weather conditions ensure that h) .the........ snow that falls in the winter isn’t lost by i) zero......... melting or j) ......... evaporation in summer. Such conditions typically occur in polar and high alpine regions. There are two main types of k) ..zero....... glaciers: l) .the........ valley glaciers and m) .the........ continental glaciers or ice sheets. n) .zero........ glaciers depend on o) .zero........ snow or p) .zero........ freezing rain to survive. In Antarctica, for example, although q) .the........ temperature is low, there is little snow or rain, and this causes r) .the....... glaciers there to grow very slowly.
A glacier forms when s) .zero........ snow builds up over time, turns to t) zero......... ice, and begins to flow outwards and downwards because of u) the......... pressure of its own weight ,v) .zero........ buried layers slowly grow together to form a thickened mass of w) ....zero..... ice. x) .The........ thickness of y) .zero........ glacial ice usually makes it seem a little blue in colour.