ІІ. Виберітьзворотний займенник.
1. He fell down the stairs and hurt _________.
a) himself
b) herself
c) myself
2.Wow! You made a lot of cookies. Don’t bring them all to the party. Keep some for __________.
a) yourself
b) themselves
c) themself
3.The children drew beautiful pictures. They were proud of ___________________.
a) myself
b) themselves
c) theyselves
4. We really enjoyed _______________ at the party.
a) yourself
b) ourselves
c) themselves
5.You and your coworker must finish on this project _________.
a) yourself
b) yourselves
c) ourselves
6.I will finish these questions by _______________.
a) myself
b) himself
c) herself
7.He drove _______________ to the airport yesterday.
a) himself
b) herself
c) myself
8.My grandparents are 95 years old. They need help taking care of ____________________.
a) ourselves
b) themselves
c) itself