Заполните пропуски используя Past Perfect Tense. 1) The fire ………………………… (already/reach)...

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Заполните пропуски используя Past Perfect Tense. 1) The fire ………………………… (already/reach) the roof by the time the firemen arrived. 2) Joe Smith went to prison because he …..…………. (steal) a lot of money. 3) Helen went to bed after she …………………… (watch) her favourite TV programme. 4) My father bought the new car after he ……………….. (try) it a few times. 5) By the time Sonia got to the party, everyone ……………………. (begin) dancing. 6) Lorenzo …………………….. (eat) all the ice cream before I opened the fridge. 7) Beatriz didn’t pass the test because she ………………….. (not study) at all. 8) Look! Somebody …………………… (leave) the windows open. 9) By the time the police arrived, the burglar ……………….. (break)into my neighbour’s house. 10) The girl felt guilty because she …………………. (drink) all the milk. 11) Our flat was robbed because we …………………. (not lock) the front door. 12) Leonard didn’t have money for the bus because he …………. (forget) to ask his mother. 13) My cousin ………………… (never/visit) a mine until his father took him one day. 14) Her bicycle wasn’t there because a friend ……………..… (take) it without asking her. 15) Daniel was arrested after he …….…………… (escape) from prison. 16) When Kathy met Jonathan, he ………………….. (join) the Navy. 17) Before they arrived at the airport, they …………….. (pay) the taxi driver. 18) His dog …………………. (die) two weeks ago. He was very sad.

Английский язык (12 баллов) | 1.2k просмотров
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  1. Had already reached
  2. Had stolen
  3. Had watched
  4. Had tried
  5. Had begun
  6. Had eaten
  7. Hadn't studied
  8. Had left
  9. Had broken
  10. Had drunk
  11. Hadn't locked
  12. Had forgotten
  13. Had never visited
  14. Had taken
  15. Had escaped
  16. Had joined
  17. Had payed
  18. Had died
(5.4k баллов)

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