Тесты по англ.мове 1. Choose Present Simple or Present Continuous 1. On Mondays her...

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Тесты по англ.мове 1. Choose Present Simple or Present Continuous 1. On Mondays her children never … in time. Therefore they are often late for classes. a) wakes up b) wake up c) woke up d) waking up 2. Every year our family … for the Black Sea so that we may get a suntan and rest from daily routine. a) heads b) are heading c) heading d) heed 3. I … on the phone with my friend at the moment! Don’t disturb me! a) am talking b) talk c) talked d) are talking 4. We seldom … our grandparents. We are too busy to do it. a) visiting b) are visiting c) visit d) visits 5. Are you … anything special now? Do you mind coming with me to the concert? a) do b) doing c) done d) does 6. She … in New York at the moment. Soon she will leave for Madrid. a) are living b) am living c) live d) is living 7. I will get a new car for you if you … properly. a) behaves b) behave c) are behaving d) will behave 8. Sometimes he … shopping himself but more often than not (почти всегда) he … it with his parents. a) go/do b) is going/is doing c) are going/are doing d) goes/does 9. Presently she … to the music. She have just bought a new disc. a) is listening b) are listening c) listens d) listen 10. They hardly ever (почти никогда) … sweets, chocolate and pastries. They think it to be bad for their health. a) bought b) are buying c) buy d) buys 2. Choose the correct variant 1) Його тато працює в банкі. A) His dad works in a bank.      B) His dad work in a bank.      C) His dad is working in a bank.   D) His dad  working in a bank.   2) Де ти каєшся на ковзанах? A) Where you skate?      B) Where do you skate? C) Where are you skating?     D) Where you skating? 3) Що ти зараз читаєш? A) What do you read now?      B)  What you read now?      C) What do you reading now?     D) What are you reading now? 4) Нік завжди кормить тварин. A) Nick often feeds animals.      B) Nick always feeds animals.      C) Nick is always feeds animals.      D) Nick is often feeding animals.  5) Ми не співаємо щодня. A) We are not singing every day.     B) We do not sing every day. C)    We  not sing every day.       D) We does not sing every day. 6) Ти щось пишеш? A) Do you write?         B) Are you writing? C) You writing?         D) You are writing? 7) Катя іноді катається на велосипеді? A) Does Kate  sometimes rides a bike?      B) Does Kate  sometimes ride a bike?     C)  Does Kate always ride a bike?     D) Do Kate always ride a bike? 3. Choose the correct variant of the verb in Past simple He did/was tired She knew/knowed the answer I flied/flew to America They showed/got tired You heard/listened to him She didn’t/wasn’t happy Did/Was she happy? She cryed/cried loudly We were/did happy He wasn’t/weren’t right 4. Open the brackets (Past simple) 1) She (bring)__________ some chocolates to the party. 2) I (hear) __________  a new song on the radio. 3) I (read) __________ three books last week. 4) They (speak) __________ French to the waitress. 5) He (understand) ________ during the class, but now he doesn’t understand. 6) I (forget) __________  to buy some milk. 7) She (have) __________  a baby in June. 8) You (lose) __________  your keys last week. 9) They (swim) __________  500m. 10) I (give) __________  my mother a CD for Christmas. 11) At the age of 23, she (become) __________  a doctor. 12) I (know) __________ the answer yesterday. 13) He (tell) __________ me that he lived in Toronto. 14) We (lend) __________  John £200. 15) She (drink) __________  too much coffee yesterday. 16) The children (sleep) __________  in the car. 17) He (keep) __________  his promise. 18) I (choose) __________  steak for dinner. 19) The film (begin) __________  late. 20) We (fly) __________  to Sydney.

Английский язык (52 баллов) | 180 просмотров
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1. 1 b










2. 1a







3. was










4. 1 brought

2 heard

3 read

4 spoke

5 understood

6 forgot

7 had

8 lost

9 swam

10 gave

11 became

12 knew

13 told

14 lent

15 drank

16 slept

17 kept

18 chose

19 began

20 flew

(119 баллов)