Choose the appropriate quantifiers to complete the sentences 1. Very ---- people fly...

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157 просмотров

Choose the appropriate quantifiers to complete the sentences 1. Very ---- people fly just because of terrorist activities. little much many few 2. Johnny is a keen player but unfortunately he has ---- skills. few none some little 3. If we don't move faster, we'll miss our transfer to Munich. There isn't ----- time to waste. little any many few 4. Unfortunately, I haven't got ---- time for watching TV. few no much little 5. You can buy these maps at ---- station. They all have them. a lot of several some any 6. If you have ---- questions, I'm ready to answer. little any much plenty 7. I didn't have ---- trouble getting the passports. I only had a problem with my photo because it was an old one. much any no several 8. There is ---- water left, so drink only if you must. some little few much 9. There isn't ---- point at all in getting upset about it. few several any many 10. ---- coat will do. It doesn't need to be a raincoat. Little No Any Few 11. Today, ---- people who enjoy winter sports is much greater than that of twenty years ago. A) a number of B) many C) a great deal of D) the number of E) several 12. According to the studies, dolphins, whales and ---- other sea creatures use highly sophisticated navigation systems. A) any B) a little C) many D) much E) each 13. The dietary habits of a child often have ---- to do with that child's eating habits as an adult. A) little B) whole C) every D) a great amount E) most 14. In the United States of America, there are literacy classes for workers, ---- of whom never graduated from high school. A) a little B) much C) any D) many E) a good deal 15. In the first ---- months of life, an infant learns how to lift its head, how to smile and how to recognize its parents. A) many B) a lot of C) any D) the number of E) few 16. Serving ---- terms in Congress, Shirley Chisholm became an important United States politician. A) plenty B) several C) a lot D) much E) whole 17. Although the language learning abilities of apes have surprised ---- scientists, they generally agree that apes do not progress beyond ---- linguistic abilities of a two-year-old child. A) few / a B) a little / the C) many / the D) each / a E) much / the 18. The storm continued for ---- of the days when we were in New Orleans,·but fortunately there wasn't ---- damage in the city. A) a few / many B) several / a lot C) all / a little D) most / much

Английский язык (12 баллов) | 157 просмотров
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1 few
2 none
3 any
4 much
5 any
6 any
7 any
8 little
9 any
11 many
12 many
13 a great amount
14 many
15 few
16 a lot
17 many / the
18 most / much

(38 баллов)