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КОНТРОЛЬНАЯ РАБОТА ПОМОГИТЕ ПОЖАЛУЙСТА ДАМ 35 БАЛЛОВ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 1 Read and match the descriptions and animals. E.g. 1-a; 2-b… a) emu b) koala c) crocodile d) wombat e) kangaroo 1) This animal can jump more than four metres and travel at seventy kilometers an hour. 2) This animal lives in the seas and rivers of northern Australia. It is five or six metres long. It eatsfish, animals, kangaroos and, sometimes, people. 3) This animal is a kind of bear with a pocket of skin in which it carries its baby. 4) This animal eats one kilo of eucalyptus leaves each day and does not drink water. 5) This animal is two metres tall and is the second largest bird in the world. It cannot fly, but it can run at fifty kilometers an hour. 2 Choose the correct answer. E.g. 1 – a; 2 – b…. 1) I … five hours of TV this week. a) watching b) watched c) have watched 2) How many lessons … you … yesterday? a) did/ have b) has /have c) have/had 3) What time … you … every day? a) did/got up b) do/get up c) have/got up 4) Who do you go … holiday with? a) on b) for c) in 5) I’d like to see animals. I … to the zoo tomorrow. a) has gone b) went c) will go 6) … your little brother like watching cartoons? a) Do b) Does c) Has 7) There … a lot of interesting books in the library. a) is b) are c) have 8) My friend is good … mathematics. a) in b) on c) at 9) Swimming? I don’t want to go swimming. … watch TV. a) I want b) I’d rather c) I must 10) Does your brother like … stamps? a) collecting b) collects c) collected 3 Read and put the parts in order. E.g. 1 – a; 2 – b;….. A) The next day the girls were wearing jeans. They climbed the tree and went into the house. There were no people in the house. They found their ball under a bed. But next to the ball there was a goldbar! B) The girls went to the police and gave them the gold bar. They told them about the house. The police took the bad men. They gave the girls a special prize. It was a collection of interesting books. C) One day Ema and her friend were playing with a ball in the yard and the ball went into a man’s house. The girls went to the man and asked him to give them the ball. He said “No”. The girls did not know what to do. D) The girls took the ball and the gold bar and climbed up the tree again. When they went home they heard the news on TV. They said that 20 gold bars were taken from the bank. E) Suddenly, Ema had an idea. “There’s a tree behind this house”, she said. “We can climb the tree and jump over the wall.” But the girls could not climb because they were wearing skirts. Theydecidedtocomebacklater.

Английский язык (114 баллов) | 106 просмотров
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1 d

2 c

3 e

4 b

5 a

1 a

2 c

3 b








(74 баллов)