18. Fifty - three plus sixty – eight is … A) one hundred and twenty – oneB) a hundred...

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166 просмотров

18. Fifty - three plus sixty – eight is … A) one hundred and twenty – oneB) a hundred and twentyC) hundred forty – sixD) two hundredE) one hundred19.Choose the right variant: One hundred minus eighty – four is …A) fifty – fiveB) twenty –sixC) seventeenD) sixteen E) fifteen20.Choose the right article:… London is … capital of … Great Britain.A) a/-/aB) a/the/-C) the/a/theD) a/a/theE) -/the/-21.Choose the right variant: There … many wild animals in Australia.A) isB) are C) beD) wasE) were22.Choose the uncountable noun:A) tableB) girlsC) water D) penE) computer23.Choose the countable noun:A) teaB) successC) sugarD) milkE) pencil 24.Find the plural forms of these nouns.A)knifesB)plates C)spoonD)glassE)cup25.Choose the right variant: 25 / 11A)The twenty fifth of NovemberB)The twentieth fifth of NovemberC)The twentieth five of NovemberD)The twentieth and five of NovemberE)The twenty –five of November26.Choose the correct answer: She ______ sixteen last year.A) Has beenB) AreC) Will beD) IsE) Was 27.Choose the right variant: Seventy minus nineteen is …A) forty eightB) fifty one C) fiftyD) fifty firstE) eighty eight28.Choose the right variant: Last winter I … a lot of time in the library.A) spendingB) have spentC) spentD) had spent E) will spend29.Choose the right variant: I … my work and am going home now.A) finishB) has finished C) will finishD) finishedE) have finished 30.Choose the right variant: He knew that she … next week.A) have returnedB) returnedC) would return D) returningE) had returned​

Английский язык (18 баллов) | 166 просмотров
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18. A

19. D

20. E

21. B

22. C

23. E

24. B

25. A

26. E

27. B

28. C

29. E

30. C

(18 баллов)