Помогите пожалуйста. 1.Translate verbs. Make up sentences for each of them. Whistle, Snore, Whisper, Shout, Bang, Howl, Laugh, Scream 2.Translate nouns. Make up sentences for each of them. Doubt, Evidence, Experiment, Fact, Mystery, Theory, Trick
1. задание
1) Whistle-свистеть
Joy is whistling her favorite song.
2) Snore - храпеть
My uncle snores very loud.
3) Whisper- шептать
She whispered me her secret
4) Shout - кричать
The teacher shouted at us.
5) Bang - уронить
He banged the box
6) Howl - выть
А wolf is howling at the moon
7) Laugh - смеяться
She is laughing at me
8) Scream - вскрикнуть
She screamed in fright