Перечислите модули PeGame​

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116 просмотров

Перечислите модули PeGame​

Информатика (122 баллов) | 116 просмотров
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   pygame._sdl2.touchpygame module to work with touch input

   pygame.camerapygame module for camera use

   pygame.cdrompygame module for audio cdrom control

   pygame.cursorspygame module for cursor resources

   pygame.displaypygame module to control the display window and screen

   pygame.drawpygame module for drawing shapes

   pygame.eventpygame module for interacting with events and queues

   pygame.examplesmodule of example programs

   pygame.fasteventpygame module for interacting with events and queues from multiple threads.

   pygame.fontpygame module for loading and rendering fonts

   pygame.freetypeEnhanced pygame module for loading and rendering computer fonts

   pygame.gfxdrawpygame module for drawing shapes

   pygame.imagepygame module for image transfer

   pygame.joystickPygame module for interacting with joysticks, gamepads, and trackballs.

   pygame.keypygame module to work with the keyboard

   pygame.localspygame constants

   pygame.maskpygame module for image masks.

   pygame.mathpygame module for vector classes

   pygame.midipygame module for interacting with midi input and output.

   pygame.mixerpygame module for loading and playing sounds

   pygame.mixer.musicpygame module for controlling streamed audio

   pygame.mousepygame module to work with the mouse

   pygame.pixelcopypygame module for general pixel array copying

   pygame.scrappygame module for clipboard support.

   pygame.sndarraypygame module for accessing sound sample data

   pygame.spritepygame module with basic game object classes

   pygame.surfarraypygame module for accessing surface pixel data using array interfaces

   pygame.testsPygame unit test suite package

   pygame.timepygame module for monitoring time

   pygame.transformpygame module to transform surfaces

   pygame.versionsmall module containing version information

(165 баллов)

мог бы и сам перевести на русский, а не тупо копировать. но спасибо.


кста, не имею понятия как сделать ответ лучшим, так что...