ПОМОГИТЕ ПОЖАЛУЙСТА! 1 Bill never buys whole CDs. He pays for and....... only the songs...

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ПОМОГИТЕ ПОЖАЛУЙСТА! 1 Bill never buys whole CDs. He pays for and....... only the songs he likes, which works outcheaper.A installs B connects Cdownloads2 Jill is very honest. I ....... she cheated in thetest.A not believe B don’t believeC am not believing3 Helen isn’t good ....... physics, but she getsvery high marks in maths.A with B to C at4 Lisa ....... have cooked this delicious meal.She doesn’t even know how to boil an egg!A mustn’t B shouldn’t C can’t5 The smell of vanilla biscuits brings .......joyful memories of my childhood.A through B back C out6 Alan said that he ....... help us move housenext week.A will B is going to C would7 Mike is a very good swimmer, and .......become a lifeguard one day.A might B must C has to8 James and Lilly started planning their weddingmonths ....... advance.A on B at C in9 Turn on channel 9! There’s live ....... of thetornado in Florida.A coverage B review C forecast10 Luckily, there are ....... student volunteers atthe non-profit organisation.A a lot of B plenty C a little11 A good way to ....... a problem is to thinkabout it calmly and carefully.A win B beat C gain12 Jerry doesn’t mind ....... overtime, as hereally needs the extra money.A work B to work C working13 The room was decorated ....... fresh flowersfrom their garden.A by B of C with14 I ....... my homework by the time myfavourite TV show started.A had finished B finishedC had been finishing15 The fire fighters were able to put ....... thefire before anyone was hurt.A off B out C away16 What time does the train ........ Bristol?A arrive B get C reach17 Al’s part-time job takes ....... most of histime in the evenings.A to B off C up18 Tracy can type eighty words ....... minute.A the B ― C a19 The burning of fossil fuels has a bad ....... onour environment.A drawback B impact C fault20 It’s always a good idea to save up for a .......day; you never know when you might need theextra money.A rainy B foggy C windy

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