1. Tom lives in ... town. 2. Her sister goes to ... school.3. We eat meat with ......

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1.7k просмотров

1. Tom lives in ... town. 2. Her sister goes to ... school.3. We eat meat with ... knife and ... fork.4. There is ... boy on ... bicycle.5. I know.. boy with black hair.6. My son studies at... Moscow University,7. This is ... key.8.This is ... key to ... my car.9)...keys are for opening locks.10)... Trafalgar Square is in ... London.11)This is ... pencil. ...pensil is red.12)There are ... many flowers in your garden. ...flowers are beautiful.Пожалуйста срочно очень надозаранее спасибо​

Английский язык (36 баллов) | 1.7k просмотров

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1. Tom lives in the town.

2. Her sister goes to school.

3. We eat meat with a knife and a fork.

4. There is a boy on the bicycle.

5. I know a boy with black hair.

6. My son studies at the Moscow University,

7. This is a key.

8.This is a key to the my car.

9)The keys are for opening locks.

10)A Trafalgar Square is in The London.

11)This is a pencil. The pensil is red.

12)There are many flowers in your garden. The flowers are beautiful.


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