41 The present perfect and the simple past • PEG 175-7, 182-9 1 Where is Tom? - (not...

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41 The present perfect and the simple past

• PEG 175-7, 182-9

1 Where is Tom? -

(not see) him today, but he (tell) Mary that he'd be in for dinner.

2 I (buy) this in Bond Street. -How much you (pay) for it? ~ I (pay) Ј100.

3 Where you (find) this knife?-I (find) it in the garden. -Why you (not leave) it there?

4 I (lose) my black gloves. You (see) them anywhere?-No, I'm afraid I .... When you last (wear) them?-

I (wear) them at the theatre last'night. -Perhaps you (leave) them at the theatre.

5 Do you know that lady who just (leave) the shop? ~ Yes, that is Miss Thrift. Is she a customer of yours?-

Not exactly. She (be) in here several times but she never (buy) anything.

6 He (leave) the house at 8.00. ~ Where he (go)? -

I (not see) where he (go).

7 He (serve) in the First World War. -When that war (begin)? -It (begin) in 1914 and (last) for four years.

8 Who you (vote) for at the last election? -I (vote) for Mr Pitt. -

He (not be) elected, (be) he? -No, he (lose) his deposit.

9 You (like) your last job? -

I (like) it at first but then I (quarrel) with my employer and he

(dismiss) me. -

How long you (be) there? ~

I (be) there for two weeks.

10 I (not know) that you (know) Mrs Pitt. How long you (know) her? -I (know) her for ten years.

11 That is Mr Minus, who teaches me mathematics, but he (not have) time to teach me much. I only (be) in his class for a week.

12 You (hear) his speech on the radio last night? -Yes, I . . . -

What you (think) of it?

13 I (not know) that you (be) here. You (be) here long?-Yes, I (be) here two months. —

You (be) to the Cathedral? ~ Yes, I (go) there last Sunday.

14 You ever (try) to give up smoking? -

Yes, I (try) last year, but then I (find) that I was getting fat so I (start) again.

15 You (see) today's paper? -

No, anything interesting (happen)?

Yes, two convicted murderers (escape) from the prison down the


16 Mary (feed) the cat?-

Yes, she (feed) him before lunch. ~ What she (give) him? -She (give) him some fish.

17 How long you (know) your new assistant?-I (know) him for two years. —

What he (do) before he (come) here? -I think he (be) in prison.

18 I (not see) your aunt recently. -

No. She (not be) out of her house since she (buy) her colour TV.

19 The plumber (be) here yet?-

Yes, but he only (stay) for an hour. -

What he (do) in that time? -

He (turn) off the water and (empty) the tank.

20 Where you (be)?

I (be) out in a yacht. -

You (enjoy) it? -

Yes, very much. We (take) part in a race. -

You (win)?~

No, we (come) in last.

21 How long that horrible monument (be) there?-

It (be) there six months. Lots of people (write) to the Town Council asking them to take it away but so far nothing (be) done.

22 I just (be) to the film War and Peace. You (see) it? -No, I.... Is it like the book? -

I (not read) the book. -

I (read) it when I (be) at school. -

When Tolstoy (write) it? -

He (write) it in 1868. -

He (write) anything else?

23 Hannibal (bring) elephants across the Alps. -Why he (do) that?-

He (want) to use them in battle.

24 Where you (be)?-

I (be) to the dentist. ~

He (take) out your bad tooth? -

Yes, he . . . -

It (hurt)?-

Yes, horribly.

25 She (say) that she'd phone me this morning, but it is now 12.30 and she (not phone) yet.

26 I just (receive) a letter saying that we (not pay) this quarter's electricity bill. I (not give) you the money for that last week? ~ Yes, you . . . but I'm afraid I (spend) it on something else.

27 How long you (be) out of work? -

I'm not out of work now. I just (start) a new job. -

How you (find) the job? -

I (answer) an advertisement in the paper.

28 You (finish) checking the accounts? -No, not quite. I (do) about half so far.

29 I (cut) my hand rather badly. Have you a bandage?-I'll get you one. How it (happen)? -

I was chopping some wood and the axe (slip).

30 How you (get) that scar? -

I (get) it in a car accident a year ago.

31 You (meet) my brother at the lecture yesterday? -Yes, I.... We (have) coffee together afterwards. •

32 He (lose) his job last month and since then he (be) out of work. -Why he (lose) his job? -

He (be) very rude to Mr Pitt.

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1   Where is Tom? - I have not seen him today, but he (told Mary that he'd be in for dinner. 2   I (bought this in Bond Street. -How much did you (pay) for it? ~ I (paid Ј100. 3   Where did you (find) this knife?-I (found) it in the garden. -Why didn't you leave) it there? 4   I (have  lost my black gloves. Have you (seen them anywhere?-No, I'm afraid I haven't. When did you last (wear) them?-  I (wore them at the theatre last 'night. -Perhaps you (left them at the theatre. 5   Do you know that lady who has just (left the shop? ~ Yes, that is Miss Thrift. Is she a customer of yours?- Not exactly. She has been in here several times but she has never (bought anything. 6   He (left the house at 8.00. ~ Where did he (go)? - I did not see) where he went. 7   He (served in the First World War. -When did that war (begin)? -It (began) in 1914 and (lasted for four years. 8  Who did you (vote) for at the last election? -I (voted for Mr Pitt. - He was not elected, was he? -No, he (lost his deposit. 9  Did you (like) your last job? - I (liked it at first but then I (quarrelled with my employer and he (dismissed me. - How long were you there? ~ I was there for two weeks. 10  I  did (not know) that you (knew) Mrs Pitt. How long have you (known her? -I have known her for ten years.11  That is Mr Minus, who teaches me mathematics, but he has not have time to
teach me much. I haveonly been in his class for a week.

12 Did you (hear) his speech on the radio last night? -Yes, I did. - What did you (think) of it?
13 I di not know that you were here. Have you (been here long?-Yes, I've been here
for two months.
Have you (been to the Cathedral? ~ Yes, I went there last Sunday.
14 Have you ever (tried to give up smoking? - Yes, I (tried last year, but then I (found)
that I was getting fat so I (started) again.
15 Have you (seen today's paper? - No, has anything interesting (happened)? - Yes, two convicted murderers have escaped from the prison down the road.
16 Has Mary (fed) the cat ?- Yes, she (fed) him before lunch. ~ What did she (give) him? -She (gave) him some fish.
17  How long have you (known your new assistant? - I have known him for two years. — What did he (do) before he (came) here? - I think he was in prison.
18 I have not seen your aunt recently. - No. She has not been out of her house since
she (bought her colour TV.
19 Has the plumber (been here yet? - Yes, but he only (stayed for an hour. - What did he (do in that time? - He (turned off the water and (emptied the tank.
20 Where have you (been?  I was out in a yacht. - Did you (enjoy) it? - Yes, very much. We (took) part in a race. Did you (win)?~ No, we (came) in last.
21  How long has that horrible monument (been there?- It has been there six months. Lots of people have written) to the Town Council asking them to take it away but so far nothinghas been done.
22  I have just (been to the film War and Peace. Have you (seen it? - No, I haven't.... Is it like the book? - I (did not read) the book. - I (read) it when I was at school. -
When did Tolstoy (write) it? - He (wrote) it in 1868. - Did he (write) anything else?
23 Hannibal (broght elephants across the Alps. - Why did he (do) that? - He (wanted to use them in battle.
24  Where have you (been?- I have been to the dentist. ~ Did he (take) out your bad tooth? - Yes, he did. - Did it (hurt)?- Yes, horribly.
25 She (said that she'd phone me this morning, but it is now 12.30 and she
has not phoned yet.

26 I have just (received a letter saying that we have not paid this quarter's electricity bill. Didn't I give) you the money for that last week? ~ Yes, you did. but I'm afraid I have spent it on something else.
27  How long have you (been out of work? - I'm not out of work now. I have just (started a new job. - How did you (find) the job? - I (answered an advertisement in the paper.
28 Have you (finished checking the accounts? -No, not quite. I have done about half so far.
29 I have cut my hand rather badly. Have you a bandage?- I'll get you one. How
did it (happen)? -
I was chopping some wood and the axe (slipped.
30 How did you (get) that scar? - I (got) it in a car accident a year ago.
31 Did you (meet) my brother at the lecture yesterday? -Yes, I did.... We (had
coffee together afterwards. 

32 He (lost his job last month and since then he has been out of work. - Why did he
(lose) his job? -
He was very rude to Mr Pitt.

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