Помогите пожалуйста! Task -I. Choose the right article! 1. … price for petrol is five...

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135 просмотров

Помогите пожалуйста! Task -I. Choose the right article! 1. … price for petrol is five dollars a gallon. 2.You are allowed to drive through these….. villages at 10 kilometers …. hour. 3.What … beautiful summer’s day! 4. I have such … terrible headache. I should take … aspirin. 5. Glen Miller is … composer of a lot of …. ever green songs. 6. He played all over … world. --------------------------------------------------- A/ a, an B/ the C/ --- Task- II. Present perfect or Past simple? Choose the right answer! 1.Last year my parents …. at home during their holidays. a/ have stayed b/ stayed c/ to stay 2.This year they ….. a trip around the world. a/ made b/ have made c/ makes 3.I … the address of my friend a/ lose b/ lost c/ have lost 4.I ….. his address yet at home a/ didn’t found b/ haven’t found c/ finds Task III. Choose the right form of verb! 1.The letters … in day . a/ will be sent b/ have been sending c/ send 2.Our manager …… into the hotel “Moscow”. a/ will be gone b/ will go c/ is gone 3.I … the beauty of the buildings in the city center. a/ will be enjoyed b/ has been enjoyed c/ was enjoying 4. The English language is beneficial, it …. my knowledge greatly . a/ will be expanded b/ has been expanding c/ has expanded Task IV. Open the brackets, use the verb in the correct form! 1.If I were my friend I… … ( learn) English insistently. 2.If I had money I …. ….(safe) it for buying sport clothes. 3.If I were you, I …. … (buy) English books. 4.If I were him, I …. ….( do) regular exercises. Task V. Choose the right relative pronoun : (A) who or (B) which! 1.The man … lives next door ….. never says a word. 2.I like living near London, … is the most exciting city in the world. 3.The train to London , … leaves every hour, is a fast train. 4.We love our teacher … is very kind. Task VI. Choose the right preposition! 1. I have just booked our flight …. Manchester. a/ at b/ on c/ to 2.Try to be …. the airport at twelve o’clock. a/ to b/ at c/ in 3.My hotel is …. Boston Street. a/ to b/ at c/ on 4. He was born … 1970. a/ at b/ on c/ in 5.I spent all day sitting … my desk. a/ at b/ on c/ in 6.Translate this phrase … English! a/ into b/ on c/ at Task VII “A”. Read the text ! Text “Where to find a good job?” The job search may take a while, but with the simple steps you will find that job that suits you. Getting a job is one of the most stressful situations for a man or a woman can go through. The main thing to remember about finding a job is to not let it stress you out. When looking for a job, make sure that you are confident. If you show that you can do the job, you most likely will. Do not limit yourself to only one field of jobs, but try out for many jobs, and fill out as many applications as you can. Again, do not limit yourself. Finding the job is the most important part, and we will all come to face this fact eventually. A few things to help you find a job is this: Go through the local newspapers, go through all of the adds, circle the ones that interest you and then fax in your resume, or give them a call as soon as possible. Do not delay this, for if you do, you may miss out on the chance of a lifetime. A few places to find a job are on the Internet, also known as the world wide web. Go on the world wide web and type in jobs in any major search engine, or the specific job that you are looking for, and you will come up with many results. Some jobs are also not right in front of your face either. You will have to do some searching. Also, keep in mind that if you know of a friend who works in a field that you are interested in, talk to him. He can usually help you out in your search, and possibly get you a job, or a career that you will love and enjoy. “B”. Define what statement is true (T) or false (F)! 1. Getting a job isn’t a stressful situation for applicants. 2. If the applicants look for a job they should be confident . 3. The applicants should limit to their field of jobs. 4. The applicant should fill out more applications in order to look for his job. 5. The applicant should go through different newspapers to find his work. 6. It is not important for the applicant to meet an employer.

Английский язык (129 баллов) | 135 просмотров
Дан 1 ответ
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Task 1

1. the (b)

2. - (c); an (a)

3. a (a)

4. a (a); an (a)

5. a (a); - (c)

6. the (b)

Task 2

1. b

2. b

3. c

4. b

Task 3

1. a

2. c

3. c

4. c

Task 4

1. would learn

2. would save

3. would buy

4. would do

Task 5.

1. who; -

2. which

3. which

4. who

Task 6.

1. c

2. b

3. c

4. c

5. a

6. a

Task 7.

1. F

2. T

3. F

4. T

5. T

6. F


(155 баллов)