Помогите переделать в косвенную речь пожалуйста. 1)‘You must hand in your homework...

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Помогите переделать в косвенную речь пожалуйста. 1)‘You must hand in your homework tomorrow’, our teacher said to us. 2) ‘I don’t want to go to school today’, Sammy said to his mother. 3) ‘I’ll buy some milk on my way home from work,’ said John. 4) ‘My mother can look after the children next week’, Sue said to Harry. 5) ‘Tony was practising the clarinet last night’, his father said. 6) ‘Did you go to Bill’s party last night?’ asked Mark. 7) ‘Where does he live?’ he wondered. 8) ‘Where did you go yesterday?’ Paul asked Tina.

Английский язык (70 баллов) | 281 просмотров
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1 Our teacher told us we must ( had to) hand in our homework the following day.

2) Sammy told his mother he didn't want to go to school that day.

3) John said he would buy some milk on his way home from work.

4) Sue told Harry her mother could look after the children the next week.

5) His father said Tony had been practising the clarinet the night before.

6) Mark asked if I had gone to Bill’s party the previous night.

7) He wondered where he lived.

8) Paul asked Tina where she had gone the day before.


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