It’s a small bird. People usually say that it can sing better than any other. It usually sings at night or in the early hours in the morning. (a nightingale - соловей)
This bird is larger than a sparrow but smaller than a crow. It can be blue-grey or grey, sometimes white or brown. Some time ago people used them to carry short letters. (a pigeon/dove - голубь)
This black-and-white bird lives in the woods, but people often see it near their houses. The bird has a long tail and a loud cry. (a magpie - сорока)
A bird with a long beak. People sometimes call it the “doctor” of the trees. (a woodpecker - дятел)
A large water bird, usually white, sometimes black in colour, it has a strong and narrow neck and flies to the south in autumn. (a swan - лебедь)
A night bird with large round eyes, it hunts and eats small animals. (an owl - сова)