ПОМОГИТЕ!!! 100 БАЛЛОВ! Ответить нужно ** все вопросы и по тексту! Спасибо. I. Complete...

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89 просмотров

ПОМОГИТЕ!!! 100 БАЛЛОВ! Ответить нужно на все вопросы и по тексту! Спасибо. I. Complete the sentences with the correct reflexive pronouns (доповніть речення відповідним займенником): himself (2), itself, yourself, herself. 1. He decided to repair his bike …….. .________________________. 2. Did you translate the text________________? 3. The puppy saw in the mirror______________. 4. Did she write that essay __________? 5. My uncle likes to talk about __.................. .__________ II. Choose the right variant: 1. Sally _............___ temperature by 8 o’clock. a. checked b. had checked 2. Jack_________the dentist yesterday. a.visited b. had visited 3. I __________my English test by 3 o’clock. a. wrote b. had written 4. After the doctor had listened to the girl’s heart and lungs, he____ some treatment. a.prescribed b.had prescribed 5. She took pills before she…… dinner. a. had b. had had III. Fill in the gaps. Заповніть пропуски словами for або since: 1. They have been building this plant ________5 years. 2. The film has been running ___________a month. 3. We have been waiting for you………3 o’clock. 4. The pupils have been translating this text _______morning. 5. His younger brother has been skating…… an hour. IV. Напишіть коротку розповідь ( 7 речень) про важливість вивчення англійської мови, використовуючи дані словосполучення: an international language, to communicate with local people; the main language of business; to study English at school; to read books in original.

Английский язык (25 баллов) | 89 просмотров
Дан 1 ответ
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1. Ivan took this photo himself.

2. Nina did the homework herself.

3. We helped ourselves to some cake at the party.

4. Vera, did you paint yourself?

5. I wrote this novel myself.

6. He cut himself with the knife by accident.

7. The tiger can defend itself.

8. My grandmother often talks to herself.

9. Alex and Maxim, if you want more coffee, help yourselves.

10. They assembled the desk themselves.

(130 баллов)

не то


а какой нужен?


совсем не по тексту.