Вставьте am, is, are. Предложения переведите. 1. He … a student. 2. Fred … not angry....

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2.4k просмотров

Вставьте am, is, are. Предложения переведите. 1. He … a student. 2. Fred … not angry. 3. My friend … kind. 4. Her name … Mary. 5. She … a nice girl. 6. We … pupils. 7. His name … Tom. 8. I … seven. 9. Rex … brave and kind. 10. They … friends. 11. You … happy. 12. Her name … Bess. 13. She … nice and merry. 14. Kate … not lazy. 15. Her name … Jill. 16. She … seven. 17. He … a nice boy. 18. His house … nice. 19. Tim … slim and sad. 20. He … happy. 21. I and Tom … friends. 22. Nick … strong. 23. Tom … smart. 24. Mr. Greenwood … nice. 25. His pet … funny. 26. Bob … strong. 27. It … black. 28. I … a pupil. 29. My friend … brave. 30. You … sad. 31. They … strong. 32. Pete … nine. 33. Our cat … five. 34. She … seven. 35. They … ten. 36. My name … Kate. 37. I … six. 38. I … not a pupil. 39. My dog … grey. 40. His cat … black and white. 41. My pets … funny. 42. I … Dino. 43. My friend … strong and healthy. 44. Billy … fat. 45. We … in the park. 46. Crocodiles … green. 47. Her shirt … not dirty. 48. I … not big. 49. Dino … not a teacher. 50. Pupils … lazy. 51. Tiny … kind and funny. 52. I … seven. 53. You … a pupil. 54. Tom’s birthday … on the 8-th of July. 55. Tom … from Great Britain. 56. My pets … funny. 57. The girl’s flowers … nice. 58. I ... a student. 59. My father ... not a shop-assistant, he ... a scientist. 60. ... your aunt a nurse? - Yes, she ... . 61. ... they at home? - No, they ... not. They ... at school. 62. ... you an engineer? - Yes, I.... 63. ... your friend a photographer? No, she ... not a photographer, she ... a student. 64. ... your brothers at school? - Yes, they ... . 65. ... this her watch? - Yes, it ... . 66. Max ... an office-worker. 67. We ... late, sorry! 68. It … funny. 69. You … free. 70. They … a friendly family.

Английский язык (16 баллов) | 2.4k просмотров
Дано ответов: 2
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1 is 2 is 3 is 4 is 5 is 6 are 7 is 8 am 9  is 10 are 11 are 12 is 13 is 14 is 15 is 16 is 17 is 18 is 19 is 20 is 21 are 22 is 23 is 24 is 25 is 26 is 27 is 28 am 29 is 30 is 31 are 32 is 33 are 34 is 35 are 36 is 37 am 38 am 39 is 40 is 41 is 42 am 43 is 44 is 45 are 46 are 47 are 48 i am 49 is 50 are 51 is 52 am 53 are 54 is 55 is 56 is 57 are 58 am 59 is he is 60 are she is 61 are they are not.They are at school 62 are yes i am 63 are no she is not she is 64 is they are 65 is this yes it is 66 max is 67 we are 68 it is 69 you are 70 thay are


я не писал полностью просто пиши а потом вставляй то что я написал надеюсь поймешь

(50 баллов)
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я сейчас просто объясню


перед существительными she he it ставится предлог іs или перед един число а аre ставится или в мною числе или перед сущесвительными we they are а аm ставится только перед i

(16 баллов)