1)False, argument: "A muscline boy should be strong, unemotional, aggressive, and competitive."
2)False, argument: "they found out that when boys speak, teachers usually offer constructive comments, when girls speech teachers lend to focus on the behavior"
3)True, argument: "Many of us give girls dolls and miniature kitchenware, while boys receive action figures and construction sets"
4)False, argument: "the problem arises when certain activities are deemed a appropiate fro one sex but not the other"
5)True, argument:"in a recent survey, 58% of eight-grade girls, but only 6% of boys earned money caring for younger children"
6)True, argument: "if we are serious about educating a generation to be good workers and parents, we need to eliminate such stereotypes as those mentioned previously"
знаю что поздно но мб кому нибудь нужно буит