Выполнить Тестовую работа по разделу "Урок иностранного языка". Choose the correct...

+376 голосов
3.1m просмотров

Выполнить Тестовую работа по разделу "Урок иностранного языка". Choose the correct option. 1. By the age of 6 she _____ read and write well. can can't could were able to 2.Sarah _____ speak Chinese at the age of 11. was able to to be able to were able to be able to 3.I could recite poems _____ . from cover to cover of 6 years by heart useful 4.When I was your age I ... able to read such a big bookfrom cover to cover. was am is 5.What does the adjective suffix -ful mean? without something having something able to do something like someone 6.What does the adjective suffix -less mean? without something having something able to do something like someone 7.I always borrow books ___ the library. of from to by 8.You ... ask your teacher of English for help in ... you have problems with grammar. will, because must, when should, case 9.English is like a ... for me. challenge problem difficulty 10.You ... make noise while doing your test. should shouldn't have to haven't to​

Английский язык (79 баллов) | 3.1m просмотров
Дано ответов: 2
+107 голосов



1. can't


3. of 6 years

4. was

5. having something

6. without something

7. from


9. challenge

10. shouldn't

(96 баллов)
+102 голосов

2 was able to
8 should, case

(67 баллов)