Отдаю 200баллов . Срочно помогите. 1. I just …. letter from my granny a) have received...

+318 голосов
5.4m просмотров

Отдаю 200баллов . Срочно помогите. 1. I just …. letter from my granny a) have received b) received c) has received 2. My father …. here for fifteen years a) Is working b) has been working c) works 4. The weather … fine today a) be b) is being c) is 4. How long ….. this girl? a) have you known b) do you know c) have you knew 5. Where …. in two days? a) did your family go b) will your family go c) does your family go 6. When my sister …. lessons, the phone rang a) was doing b) did c) were doing 7. While my mother was cleaning the room, my brother …. football in the yard a) played b) was playing c) playing 8. John is tired because he ….. all day long a) studied b) has been studying c) had studied 9. ….. breakfast every morning? a) Are you having b) Do you have c) Have you 10. Have you done your homework ….? a) yet b) since c) for 11. Paul’ s car is …. than Tom’s a) fast b) fastest c) faster 12. This dress is the …. in the shop a) more expensive b) most expensive c) expensive 13. Lucy is as ….. as Sally a) clever b) cleverer c) cleverest 14. My hair is ….. than yours a) long b) longest c) longer 15. Susan’s … person I’ve ever met a) the nicer b) nicest c) the nicest 16. Peter has lived here …. 2000 a) for b) since c) ago 17. I answered the door, but there was …. there a) someone b) anyone c) no one 18. I was hungry so I made …. a sandwich a) myself b) my c) me 19. There is … in the cupboards. We have to go to the supermarket a) nothing b) everything c) anything 20. Tom sings ….. a) beautiful b) good c) beautifully 21. The baby has …. milk left in her bottle a) many b) a few c) a little 22. Mary has just bought … apples a) much b) some c) any 23. Sometimes I eat for breakfast … cheese a) a little b) a few c) many 24. Would you like …. apple juice? a) any b) a few c) some

Английский язык (46 баллов) | 5.4m просмотров

Тест по английскому

Дан 1 ответ
+176 голосов


  1. a
  2. b
  3. c
  4. a
  5. b
  6. a
  7. b
  8. b
  9. b
  10. a
  11. c
  12. b
  13. a
  14. c
  15. c
  16. b
  17. c
  18. a
  19. a
  20. c
  21. c
  22. b
  23. a
  24. c

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(234 баллов)

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