Use of English (vocabulary/ grammar) Use the verbs in brackets to complete these...

+411 голосов
4.9m просмотров

Use of English (vocabulary/ grammar) Use the verbs in brackets to complete these sentences in the most common form.1.Не often (bring) me flowers.2.I (meet) Paul yesterday.3.They (visit) us tomorrow. They have just rung me up.4.What (you/do) next morning?5.Mr Jones (buy) a car last month.6.Mary (go) to school on foot every day.7.It (be) hot soon.8.The baby (not/sleep) well last week.9.He never (drive) fast.10.Lessy (live) in Paris in 1989.11.Mark ... (not finish) his essay yet.12.I'm afraid we ... (not go) to the party tomorrow.13.He … (not meet) his friend every week.14.She … (meet) her friends in the park tomorrow at 2 p.m.15.When ... you … (go) to buy the tickets?ПОМОГИТЕ ПОЖАЛУЙСТА СРОЧНО! ДАМ ВСЕ БАЛЛЫ!​

Английский язык (67 баллов) | 4.9m просмотров
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+122 голосов
  1. brings
  2. met
  3. will visit
  4. will you do
  5. bought
  6. goes
  7. will be
  8. did not sleep
  9. drives
  10. lived
  11. hasn't finished
  12. won't go
  13. doesn't meet
  14. will meet
  15. will you go
(2.3k баллов)