Помогите!!!Срочно!!! I sometimes go out with my friends... Fridays. 1. in 2. on 3....

+130 голосов
2.3m просмотров

Помогите!!!Срочно!!! I sometimes go out with my friends... Fridays. 1. in 2. on 3. at Let`s meet for lunch ... Wednesday. 1. in 2. on 3. at ... do koalas live?- in Australia. 1. When 2.Why 3.Where ... eggs are there in the fridge? 1.How many 2.How much 3.How She ... dinner at the moment. 1. is cooking 2. cook 3. cooks ... Helen in the park yesterday? 1. Could 2. Had 3. Was There are ... apples in the basket . 1. much 2. a little 3. some Tom was born ... 1989. 1. on 2. in 3. at They ... going to the cinema at weekend. 1.doesn’t like 2.like 3. likes ... long do elephants live? 1. Where 2. How 3. Why Charles Dickens ... born born in Portsmouth. 1. had 2. was 3. were Can I have ... milk, please? 1. some 2. any 3. a few Yuko ... in Japan. 1. lives 2. live 3. is living Is this your sweater? - No, it`s ... . 1. her 2. hers 3. she Are you ... late today? 1. working 2. work 3. works She ... a shower every night. 1. is having 2. has 3. have Can I have ... sugar in my coffee, please? 1. a little 2. a few 3. any Would you like a ... biscuits? 1. little 2. few 3. some There ... any CD’s 100 years ago. 1. wasn’t 2. weren’t 3. hadn’t Do we need ... bread ? 1. a 2. some 3. any How ... tea do you want? 1. some 2. much 3. many Rick ... for his exam this week. 1. study 2. studies 3. is studying Carol usually ... jeans and sandals. 1. don`t wear 2. is wearing 3. wears How ... legs does a spider have? 1. many 2. much 3. long

Английский язык (38 баллов) | 2.3m просмотров
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+143 голосов


I sometimes go out with my friends on Fridays.

Let's meet for lunch on Wednesday.

Where do koalas live?-in Australia

How many eggs are there in the fridge?

She is cooking dinner at the moment.

Was Helen in the park yesterday?

There are some apples in the basket?

Tom was born in 1989.

They like going to the cinema at the weeknd.

How long elephants live?

Charles Dickens was born in Porstmouth.

Can I have some milk,please?

Yuko lives in Japan.

Is this your sweater? No,it's hers.

Are you working late today?

She has a shower every night.

Can I have any sugar in my coffee,please?

Would you like a few buscuits?

There weren't any CD 's 100 years ago.

Do we need any bread?

How much tea do you want?

Rick is studying for his exam this week.

Carol usually wears jeans and sandals.

How many legs does a spider have?

(29 баллов)