. Выберите правильный вариант ответа: 1. Mat usually …......... his homework in the...

+816 голосов
255k просмотров

. Выберите правильный вариант ответа: 1. Mat usually …......... his homework in the evenings A) do B)does C) is doing2. I……. new to the school. A) is B) are C) am3. We have dinner …… A) in the morning B) in the evening C) at night4. Sam wears ……………… in summer because it’s hot. A) shorts B) trousers C) a skirt 5. ...... you go sailing with me? A) Does B) Do C) Are 6. What ………………you …………… now? A) do…do B) are …doing C) do … doing 7. We haven’t got … eggs in the fridge A) any B) some C) a8. There are six … on the table. A) box B) knife C) knives9. Mr Williams is a … . He always drives very fast. A) postman B) taxi driver C) baker10. I’m British. I’m from … A) the USA B) the UK C) Canada11. Do I look all right in this? Yes, … suits you perfectly A) they B) its C) it12. What’s the time? It’s half … three A) to B) before C) past13. This house belongs to John. That’s … house. A) his B) its C)our14. How many oranges are there? Not … A) any B) much C) many15. Put … your scarf and gloves today. It’s cold outside. A) in B)on C)outОчень срочно помогите пожалуйста!!!!!!!!​

Английский язык (35 баллов) | 255k просмотров
Дан 1 ответ
+150 голосов


1 - B

2 - C

3 - B

4 - A

5 - B

6 - B

7 - A

8 - C

9 - B

10 - B

11 - C

12 - C

13 - A

14 - B

15 - B

(29 баллов)

спасибо огромное!!!!!


А можно и мне решить пожалуйста https://znanija.com/task/36882661?answeringSource=feedPersonal%2FquestionPage%2F7

