Вопрос 1 Choose the correct verb. Peter ______________ that he could not come to the...

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577k просмотров

Вопрос 1 Choose the correct verb. Peter ______________ that he could not come to the party because he was busy. Варианты ответов explained refused Вопрос 2 Choose the correct verb. She ______________ to lend me her dicnionary. Варианты ответов refused complained Вопрос 3 Choose the correct verb. I ___________ to help my mother with the housework. Варианты ответов promised admitted Вопрос 4 Choose the correct verb. I ___________ to meet my friends outside the cinema. Варианты ответов announced agreed Вопрос 5 Choose the correct verb. He ___________ that his job was very boring. Варианты ответов said told Вопрос 6 Choose the correct verb. She _____________ me that she was hungry. Варианты ответов said told Вопрос 7 Choose the correct verb. Jane ____________ Tom that she was not going to the party. Варианты ответов asked told Вопрос 8 Choose the correct verb. She __________ him whether he wanted to go to the cinema instead. Варианты ответов asked told Вопрос 9 Write the sentence in the reported speech. 'I have never been to England,' said Lisa. Lisa said that she _______never been to England. Варианты ответов has had have Вопрос 10 Write the sentence in the reported speech. 'I will not see my boyfriend until the weekend,' she said. She said that she ____________ see her boyfriend until the weekend. Варианты ответов would not did not will not Вопрос 11 Write the sentence in the reported speech. 'I'm learning French,' she said. She said that she __________ French. Варианты ответов was learning is learning learnt Вопрос 12 Write the question in the reported speech. 'Did you see the film?' He asked if we__________ the film. Варианты ответов have seen has seen had seen Вопрос 13 Write the question in the reported speech. 'Is your teacher nice?' She asked if _________nice. Варианты ответов my teacher was was my teacher Вопрос 14 Write the question in the reported speech. 'Can you speak French?' He asked if I _________French. Варианты ответов could speak can speak Вопрос 15 Write the question in the reported speech. 'Do you know Tania?' She asked ___________Tania. Варианты ответов did I know if I knew Вопрос 16 Write the question in the reported speech. 'Are you learning English?' She asked if I ___________English Варианты ответов was learning am learning Вопрос 17 Write the negative sentence in the reported speech. 'I don't like sport,' she said. She said_________________ Варианты ответов that she did not like sport. that she does not like sport. Вопрос 18 Write the sentence in the reported speech. 'I'm watching television,' said Peter. Peter said______________ Варианты ответов that he was watching television. that he is watching television. Вопрос 19 Write the negative sentence in the reported speech. 'I can't find my dictionary,' he said. He said_______________ Варианты ответов that he could find my dictionary. that he could not find his dictionary. Вопрос 20 Write the sentence in the direct speech. She asked if I was Russian. 'Are______________?' Варианты ответов you Russian? we Russian? Вопрос 21 Write the sentence in the direct speech She asked if I lived in Kaluga. 'Do_____________?' Варианты ответов we live in Kaluga? you live in Kaluga? Вопрос 22 Write the sentence in the direct speech She asked if I would get married in the future. 'Will________________?' Варианты ответов you get married in the future? they get married in the future? Вопрос 23 Расставь глаголы 1-5 в правильном порядке по тескту. Gail (1)_____ . Jim so she flirted with him at a party one evening. Then he (2)____ her out and she said 'yes'. They (3)_____ out together for three years and at first they (4) _______on very well. But after a lot of arguments she decided to (5)______ with him. Варианты ответов fancied asked went got finish

Английский язык (19 баллов) | 577k просмотров
Дан 1 ответ
+148 голосов


1. explained

2. refused

3. promised

4. agreed

5. said

6. told

7. told

8. asked

9. had

10. will not

11. is learning

12. had seen

13. my teacher was

14. could speak

15. if i knew

16. was learning

17. that she does not like sport

18. that he was watching television

19. that he could not find his dictionary

20. you russian?

21. you live in kaluga?

22. you get married in the future?

23. 1) fancied  2) asked   3) went    4) got     5) finish


(718 баллов)