50 БАЛЛОВ Умоляю срочно Variant-I I. Choose the right variant: 1. I …. In London last...

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50 БАЛЛОВ Умоляю срочно Variant-I I. Choose the right variant: 1. I …. In London last week. a) Will be b)was c)am 2. She … to us next month a) has come b) will come c)is going to come 3. We … to a basketball match last Sunday. a) went b)goed c)have gone. 4. He … tennis for 3 years a) played b)plays c)has played 5. She has lived here … 1998. a) for b)since c) in 6. It’s interesting, … ? a) isn’t b) hasn’t c)is it 7. They … happy, aren’t they? a) aren’t b) are c) ---- 8. You won’t go with us, … ? a) will you b) do you c)will us 9. That was terrible, … ? a) wasn’t it b) was that c) wasn’t that 10. He enjoys music, … ? a) doesn’t he b)isn’t he c)don’t he 11. They saw an elephant yesterday, … ? a) don’t they b) aren’t they c) didn’t they 12. You’re sixteen, …? a) aren’t you b) are you c)not you 13. -I’m happy!-… a) So am I b) neither am I c) So I’m 14. I never eat bananas.-… a) So am I b) Neither do I c) Neither am I 15. My tooth is o.k., because I … the dentist. a) have gone to b) have been to c) have been at 16. He isn’t at home. He … the party. a) has gone to b) have been to c) have been at 17. The book … Oxford University Press. a) publishes by b) is published with c) is published by 18. The film … J. Cameron. a) was directed by b) directed by c) were directed 19. Cars … in factories. a) is produced b) are produce c) are produced 20. Jade likes … all sports games. a) play b) playing c) to playing 21. Jeff enjoys … English. a) styding b)study c) studies 22. I … be a popstar. a) want b) like c) would like to 23. I haven’t seen this film … a) yet b) never c)already 24. I’ve … bought this CD-disc. a)yet b) never c)already 25. Natasha knowns English well and often works as an … a) interpreter b) artist c) engineer 26. It’s … to leave without saying goodbye a) late b) grate c) rude 27. He greeted us … a) serious b) cheerfully c) happy 28.The sun gives us heat and … a) energy b) light c) cold 29. Tigers have … a) hands b) legs c) paws 30. They spent a lot of time in … of a cheap hotel. a) discovery b) search c) research

Английский язык (37 баллов) | 1.4m просмотров
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+145 голосов



2)will come




6)Is it


8)will us

9)was that

10)doesnt he

11)didnt they

12)are you

13)So Im

14)Neither do I

15)have been to

16)has ggonne to

17)published by

18)was directed by

19)are produced

20)to playing


22)would like to










(414 баллов)
