Даю 50 балов!СРОЧНО 19 Watch ....... ! There’s a motorbike coming. A up B out C over 20...

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82.0k просмотров

Даю 50 балов!СРОЧНО 19 Watch ....... ! There’s a motorbike coming. A up B out C over 20 He is afraid of travelling ....... boat. A by B on C in 21 Mary ....... hard every evening. A study B read C studies 22 Do you ....... your teeth every day? A wash B brush C do 23 I hate sushi. I ....... eat it. A never B always C often 24 Does he ....... history at school? A teaches B teach C teaching 25 Larry likes watching ....... . A cartoons B music C fiction 26 ....... ! That’s fantastic! A Yuck B Ugh C Wow 27 John is very worried ....... his son. A at B about C of 28 You’ll never find ....... the truth. A out B about C on 29 Could I ....... a phone call, please? A do B send C make Exit Test 30 Frank ....... his homework at the moment. A is making B is doing C does 31 Yan can ....... the drums. A do B make C play 32 She ....... the house every day. A cleans B is cleaning C clean 33 They ....... TV in the living room. A watches B are watching C is watching 34 Look! Elizabeth is wearing a clown ....... . A suit B clothes C costume 35 On Christmas Day, we all ....... gifts. A transfer B exchange C change 36 Let’s watch the firework ....... . A display B show C programme 37 ‘Maslenitsa’ ....... Pancake week. A equals B senses C means 38 ....... the phone rings, I answer it. A Then B When C After that 39 How ....... some pizza? A like B many C about 40 Robert is very keen ....... windsurfing. A in B on C of 41 Are you interested ....... art and drama? A in B for C by 42 We go on a school ....... once a year. A travel B journey C trip 43 There’s a good ....... on at the Abbey Theatre at the moment. A piece B play C act 44 They often ....... camping at the weekend. A do B play C go 45 Chess and backgammon are both ....... games. A table B bored C board 46 My parents ....... to Sochi tomorrow. A go B are going C going 47 We usually ....... after school. A meet B are meeting C meets 48 Karen likes doing jigsaw ....... . A quizzes B games C puzzles 49 When ....... you born? A was B were C is 50 He works in the gold ....... . A field B zone C mine 51 We were afraid to swim in the ....... river. A polluted B deserted C clean 52 They ....... the injured child to a safe place. A carries B carried C carrying 53 Did they ....... home early last night? A arrived B arrives C arrive 54 Many people live in ....... of flats. A buildings B blocks C dormitories 55 I ....... at the door but no one answered. A knocked B hit C rang 56 My parents ....... me money for my birthday. A gives B kept C gave 57 The teacher ....... himself to the class. A presented B said C introduced 58 He looked ....... as he sat with his head in his hands. A excited B sad C busy 59 We met ten years ....... . A gone B ago C past 60 What on ....... are you doing? A earth B sky C world 61 What did he ....... to you? A saw B said C say 62 My cousin works in a post ....... . A building B house C office

Английский язык (57 баллов) | 82.0k просмотров
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+150 голосов


19. B.

20. C.

21. C.

22. A.

23. B.

24. A.

25. C.

26. C.

27. B.

28. B.

29. B.

30. B.

31. C.

32. A.

33. C.

34. C.

35. B.

36. C.

37. A.

38. B.

39. B.

40. B.

41. A.

42. B.

43. A.

44. C.

45. A.

46. B.

47. A.

48. C.

49. A.

50. B.

51. A.

52. C.

53. A.

54. A.

55. A.

56. B.

57. C.

58. B.

59. B.

60. B.

61. B.

62. C.

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