ПОМОГИТЕ ПЛИИИИЗ 1 Напишите слова Wedn_ _ day e_ _hty (80) w_ _...

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ПОМОГИТЕ ПЛИИИИЗ 1 Напишите слова Wedn_ _ day e_ _hty (80) w_ _ drobe m_t_er favourite 2 Вычеркните лишнее слово из логического ряда: a) Maths, Science, Thursday, Physical Education, Technology b) sharpener, notebook, pencil case, umbrella, ruler c) bathroom, bedroom, living room, kitchen, furniture d) budgie, tortoise, cat, goat, guinea pig 3 David is … to the school. name b. new c. subject The … class is in Room A. Science b. the Art lesson c. year It`s … eraser. An b. a c. an Mark … my best friend. `m b. `re c. `s … are gloves. That b. These c. This I … got a skateboard. Has b. have c. his She has got brown … . Gloves b. glove c. gloves The armchair is … the fireplace. Next to b. behind c. on There … any CDs in the living room. aren`t b) is c) isn`t That is my sister. Look at … . Him b. her c. them The baby … walk yet. can b. can`t c. will Koalas … water. Drink b. don`t drink c. doesn`t drink Fred is short and … . tall b. long c. plump Where are the children … ? Going b. going c. go Can I have a …. of lemonade? bottle b. bowl c. piece Dan … feel very well. not b) doesn’t c) don’t How often … they do the shopping? are b) does c) do It usually snows in Alaska but now the sun …. is shining b) shines c) shining How … juice is there in the bottle? much b) many c) any My brother … interesting film yesterday. watch b) watched c) is watching How many new … do you have this year at school? a) textbooks    b) subjects    c) languages Soon you will get the … to visit England. a) timetable    b) invitation  c) mark When we were in Moscow, we took a lot of … . a) pictures      b) books       c) fun A person who likes to talk a lot is … . a) rude           b) creative    c) talkative A… takes care of our teeth. a) doctor        b) dentist      c) teacher What’s your new flat like? a) On the third floor.         B) It’s big and light. Has your new flat got any furniture? a) Yes, there is.           B) Yes, it has. How many rooms are there in your flat? a) There’re flowers in the garden.         B) Five. . Is there a picture  on the wall of your living-room? a) No, there isn’t.              b) Yes, there are. Excuse me. How much is this dress? a) £25.         B) Green and red. 4 Прочитайте текст и заполните пропуски Paul Smith is thirty-two. He is a musician. He lives in Seattle, USA. Paul lives in a big, comfortable flat with his wife, Marta and their two daughters, Anna and Alice. Marta is twenty-eight. She is a teacher. Anna and Alice are seven. They are twins. They go to school every day from 9 am to 2 pm. Paul is handsome. He is tall and plump with short dark hair and grey eyes. Everybody likes him because he is clever and friendly and a very caring father. In his free time Paul likes reading books and watching comedies. He doesn’t like working in the garden .He thinks it is tiring. NAME _____________________________________________________________ AGE _______________________________________________________________ OCCUPATION (работа) _____________________________________________ LIVES______________________________________________________________ HOUSE_____________________________________________________________ FAMILY MEMBERS_________________________________________________ APPEARANCE______________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ CHARACTER______________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ LIKES_____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ DOESN’T LIKE: ____________________________________________ 5 Read the postcard and mark the sentences T (true), F (false) or DS (doesn’t say) Dear George, How are you? Here we are at my grandpa’s country house and we’re having a great time! The house is old ,but very beautiful. It’s got three floors and six bedrooms. All the bedrooms have got a beautiful fireplace and their own bathroom. It’s a bit cold and windy here, but the sun is shining. In the morning, my grandpa makes us breakfast, then we all go for a little walk to the nearby village. Sometimes, we feed the ducks in the river. After lunch at the cottage, we play board games like Monopoly or Scrabble, or we talk. My grandpa is very funny and tells very good stories! All the moment, my grandma is decorating the house with ballons. It’s my brother’s birthday tomorrow. We’ll probably have alittle party for him! See you soon. Olga Olgas bedroom has got its own bathroom.______ It’s hot.____ Olga’s grandpa is a good cook._____ Monopoly is Olga’s favourite game.______ Olga’s grandma is decorating the house for a party._____

Английский язык | 6.7m просмотров
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+125 голосов









a) Thursday

b) umbrella

c) furniture

d) goat


  1. David is new to the school.
  2. The science class is in Room A.
  3. Mark's my best friend.
  4. These are gloves.
  5. The armchair is next to the fireplace.
  6. There aren't any CDs in the living room.
  7. That is my sister. Look at her
  8. The baby can't walk yet.
  9. Koalas drink water.
  10. Fred is short and plump
  11. Where are the children going
  12. Can I have a bottle of lemonade?
  13. Dan doesn't feel very well.
  14. How often do they do the shopping?
  15. It usually snows in Alaska but now the sun is shining
  16. How much juice is there in the bottle?
  17. My brother watched interesting film yesterday.
  18. How many new subjects do you have this year at school?
  19. Soon you will get the invitation to visit England.
  20. When we were in Moscow, we took a lot of pictures
  21. A person who likes to talk a lot is talkative
  22. A dentist takes care of our teeth.
  23. B) It's big and light
  24. b) yes, it has
  25. B) five
  26. A) no, there isn't
  27. a) £25


NAME: Paul Smith

AGE: thirty-two (32)

OCCUPATION: musician

LIVES: Seattle, USA

HOUSE: big, comfortable flat

FAMILY MEMBERS: Wife Marta, two daughters - Anna and Alice

APPEARANCE:Paul is handsome. He is tall and plump with short dark hair and grey eyes.

CHARACTER: clever, friendly and a very caring father.

LIKES:reading books and watching comedies

DOESN'T LIKE: working in the garden


  1. Olga's bedroom has got its own bathroom (true)
  2. Olga’s grandpa is a good cook. (doesn't say)
  3. Monopoly is Olga’s favourite game. ( doesn't say)
  4. Olga’s grandma is decorating the house for a party. (true)

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