Помогите пожалуйста. Frank usually… his work at school. A do B doing C does Mr Smith is...

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Помогите пожалуйста. Frank usually… his work at school. A do B doing C does Mr Smith is a …. . He always delivers our letters. A baker B doctor C postman Will you come swimming with me? No, I … . A don’t B won’t C will Who’s Denis? He’s Tom’s … . A mother B sister C brother She lives on the … floor. A ground B three C one Whose car is that? It’s ... car. A Matt’ B Matt C Matt and Kate’s You … eat at the lesson. A must B want C mustn’t What is he … now? A read B reading C reads How … sugar do you need? A many B some C much I’m British. I’m from… A the USA B the UK C Russia This book belongs to Kate. It’s … book. A his B our C her We haven’t got … rice at home. A any B some C a Tom and I are brothers. … live together. A they B their C we What’s the time, please? It’s half … ten. A quarter B past C after Has he got … books? A that B this C these Would you like to go fishing with me? No, thanks! I think it’s ... . A exciting B fun C boring Do I look great in it? Yes, … fits you perfectly. A it B its C those … does the lesson start? A What B When C Why He … at the cinema now. A am B are C is Sue wears a … in the summer because it’s hot. A jeans B coat C skirt

Английский язык (28 баллов) | 3.2m просмотров
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+119 голосов


1. does

2. postman

3. won't

4. brother

5. ground

6. Matt and Kate's

7. mustn't

8. reading

9. much

10. The UK

11. her

12. any

13. we

14. past

15. these

16. boring

17. it

18. when

19. is

20. skirt

(225 баллов)