Поставьте нужное слово. We need to ….. a film for our camera. spend b) buy c) do Peter...

+521 голосов
3.6m просмотров

Поставьте нужное слово. We need to ….. a film for our camera. spend b) buy c) do Peter is going to …. a performance of Swan Lake. Visit b) go c) attend They want to …. shopping. see b) have c) go Betty ….. a lot of pictures when she s on holidays. makes b) takes c) rents What is the best way to ……. to Kuala Lumpur? A)travel b) be c) do

Английский язык (28 баллов) | 3.6m просмотров
Дан 1 ответ
+181 голосов

1 b buy

2 a visit

3 c go

4 b takes

5 a travel

(19.1k баллов)