Помогите пожалуйста​

+816 голосов
107k просмотров

Помогите пожалуйста​


Английский язык | 107k просмотров
Дан 1 ответ
+102 голосов


1) I usually spend my vacation going to the country.

2) Last summer I was abroad, correctly in Spain.

3) This summer I am going to visit my grandma, she lives in a village.

4) I am going to help her with home deals such as taking care of her garden, planting some seeds and others.

5) It isn't far from here, so I go there by train.

6) I always interested in visiting other places, actually I love it!

7) I usually sleep most of time there, but I either can play trip-games with my parents.

8) I live in a big city, though it is noisy and loud, you can always see a great deal of different sights and museums, exhibitions and festivals here.

9) There are many festivals in the city in summer, and many carousels are opened this time, so I have many possibilities to have a good time.


(350 баллов)