Поставьте к следующим предложениям общий, специальный (к подчеркнутым словам),...

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74 просмотров

Поставьте к следующим предложениям общий, специальный (к подчеркнутым словам), альтернативный и разделительный вопросы, образуйте отрицательную форму. 1. Your parents are already old. 2. she is married to Tom. 3. Kate was with her children at the museum last Sunday. 4. we will be ready in an hour. 5. they have two brothers. 5. my sister had a comfortable flat

Английский язык (30 баллов) | 74 просмотров
Дан 1 ответ
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Kate was with her children at the museum last Sunday1.Have your parents been already old?( я исправила  глагол, потому что с already употребляется только Present Perfect, исходя из этого задаю все вопросы)
Have your parents been  old already or not yet?
 Your parents have been already old, have not they?
2.Is she  married to Tom?
Is she  married to Tom or to Jack?
she is married to Tom, is not she?
3.Was Kate with her children at the museum last Sunday?
Was Kate with her children at the museum last Sunday or last Monday?
Kate was with her children at the museum last Sunday, was not she?
4. Will we be ready in an hour?
Will we be ready in an hour or in two hours?
we will be ready in an hour, will not we?
5.Do they have two brothers?
Do they have two brothers or three sisters?
they have two brothers, do not they?
6. Did my sister have a comfortable flat?
Did my sister have a comfortable flat or a house?
 my sister had a comfortable flat, did not she?
не хватает только специального вопроса, так как не указаны выделенные слова

(34 баллов)