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Английский язык (61 баллов) | 183k просмотров
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writing Variant 1

Date : Name :

Form 9 Term II

I. Circle the correct form of the verb :

1. London ( is visited / visited ) by many tourists.

2. Who ( protects / is protected ) animals ?

3. Albert Einstein ( awarded / was awarded the Nobel Prize for Physics

in 1921.

4. Catholic Church ( is considered / considered ) Galileo's ideas as


II. Complete the sentences with the appropriate modal verbs

(must, can, mustn't, should ) :

1. To protect our environment we produce oxygen.

2. The global warming

3. We

4. We

use less electricity and water. protect animals and plants.

destroy forests, which

lead to dramatic changes in climate.

III. Put the verbs in brackets into correct forms to make the

First Conditional :

1. If we (to visit) the British Museum.

2. If she parents.

3. If I

4. If the sun town.

(to travel) to London, we

(to wait) a minute

(to study) hard, I

( to shine) we

(to ask) my

(to pass) the exams.

(not to walk ) into

IV. Put the sentences into the passive form :

1. Alex learned the poem.

2. The girl writes poems.

3. They will open a new bank.

V. Write what city of the UK you would like to visit and explain why.

(93 баллов)