10 full in the correct question tags. tim is really good at maths, can't he? 1. our friends aren't keen on yogn, 2. thomae can type very fast, 1. hane can't speak japanese fluently. 4. you like elassical mnie, … 5. john doesn't go out very often during the week, d. it in snowing. 7, they aren't having lunch now, 8. your friends have moved recently, 9. emily hasn't been to argentinn, 10 you've been waiting for the bus for more than half an hour.

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1.1k просмотров
10 full in the correct question tags. tim is really good at maths, can't he? 1. our friends aren't keen on yogn, 2. thomae can type very fast, 1. hane can't speak japanese fluently. 4. you like elassical mnie, … 5. john doesn't go out very often during the week, d. it in snowing. 7, they aren't having lunch now, 8. your friends have moved recently, 9. emily hasn't been to argentinn, 10 you've been waiting for the bus for more than half an hour.

Английский язык | 1.1k просмотров
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