Скину 55 балов Ex. III. Choose the right tense. 1. She … to the baker`s every day. a)...

+132 голосов
2.8m просмотров

Скину 55 балов Ex. III. Choose the right tense. 1. She … to the baker`s every day. a) went b) will go c) goes 2. The game … in a draw yesterday. a) end b) ended c) will end 3. Ben … just … two loaves of bread. a) has bought b) bought c) is buying 4. … your team always … for the first prize? a) Did … compete b) Does … compete c) Do … compete 5. We … the delegation from Britain now. a) are receiving b) received c) will receive 6. He … the race tomorrow because he is the best swimmer in the team. a) won b) win c) will win 7. How much … you … for that book last week? a) do … pay b) did … pay c) will pay 8. Nick … football at 5 pm yesterday. a) was playing b) is playing c) plays 9. She … from headaches every day. a) suffered b) will suffer c) suffers 10. We … across the fields yesterday. a) ride b) rode c) ridden

Английский язык (28 баллов) | 2.8m просмотров


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