Помогите с английским даю 25 баллов The tourist..........us about the places...

+803 голосов
3.9m просмотров

Помогите с английским даю 25 баллов The tourist..........us about the places he................ * 1 балл telled, visited told, had visited told, has visited told, visited 2. London isn’t the capital of the USA, …? * 1 балл is it ? do it ? does it ? isn't it ? 3. Shreck is a film … has an excellent computer animation. * 1 балл who which why where 4. Buckingham Palace is the place … the King or Queen of the UK lives. * 1 балл which why who where 5. Tom likes cheese, ..... ? * 1 балл do he? doesn't he? can't he? didn't he? 6. You can translate these sentences ...... * 1 балл yourself himself herself ourselves 7. I can ask him ... * 1 балл myself himself herself myselves 8. The children gathered all those berries .... * 1 балл yourself ourselves themselves yourselves 9. At this time yesterday I ..... an essay. * 1 балл wrote was writing writing have written 10. The children .... in the garden while their parents ..... TV. * 1 балл were playing, were watching played, were watching were playing, watched had played, watched 11. I .... my homework when my father came. * 1 балл did was done was doing done 12. We .... while we ... this film. * 1 балл smiled, were watching were smiling, watching were smiling, were watching were smiling, watched 13. She .... the present by 12 o'clock. * 1 балл were opening was opening opened had opened 14. My sister .... a shower every morning. * 1 балл take takes has taken had taken 15. His mom cooked dinner, ..... * 1 балл didn't mom? didn't she? did she? 16. You don’t like tomatoes, ..... * 1 балл do you? don't you? didn't you? 17. After the teacher ..... a new rule, the pupils ..... doing exercises. * 1 балл had explained / had started had explained / started explained / started explained / had started 18. I .... better after I .... a tablet of aspirin. * 1 балл had felt, took felt, had taken was feeling, took was feeling, was taking 19. A cameraman is a person ..... shoots films. * 1 балл why where who which 20. How ......... time does it take you to get to work? * 1 балл much long fast 21. How .... does one lesson cost? * 1 балл many much is are 22. What kind.....films do you like? * 1 балл up in of 23. This is the Queen's main London home. * 1 балл London Eye St James Palace Kensington Palace Buckingham Palace 24. Listen! Someone____ the piano. * 1 балл is playing plays played 25. Nick ... the Geography test yet. * 1 балл didn’t passed passed hasn’t passed 26. She ... a present and read the card. * 1 балл opens opened was opening 27. When bitten by a spider he turns __ a Spiderman. * 1 балл into of on by 28. Spider-Man is an action movie based ­­__a comic. * 1 балл into of on by

Английский язык | 3.9m просмотров
Дан 1 ответ
+182 голосов

Это было долго xd

1. Б

2.  Не очень уверена, но вроде бы А

3. Б

4. Г

5. Б

6. А

7. А

8. В

9. Б

10. А

11. А

12. В

13. Г

14. Б

15. Б

16. Б

17.  либо Б, либо В

18. В

19. В

20. А

21. Б

22. В

23. Г

24. А

25. В

26. Б

27. А

28. В

(14 баллов)