Task 2. Read the text and fill in the table below with necessary information. There are...

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322k просмотров

Task 2. Read the text and fill in the table below with necessary information. There are five main types of nutrients we need from our food. These are carbohydrates, proteins, fats, minerals and vitamins. A sixth important part of our diet is roughage or fibre.CarbohydratesCarbohydrates are mainly used by the body as fuel. Digestion breaks them into a simple sugar called glucose. This is carried in the blood to provide energy for all our body parts.ProteinsProteins perform many important jobs in the body. Your body needs them to grow, and to make repairs when it is damaged.FatsThe body needs some fat to build its parts and keep them working properly. Fat can also be used as fuel, for energy.FibreFibre does not provide nutrition, but it helps bulk up waste so that it passes easily through the body. People who do not consume enough roughage are more likely to suffer from constipation, which can sometimes lead to more serious diseases of the intestines.MineralsMinerals are simple substances such as calcium, iron and salt. You need to eat a lot of mineral-rich food when your body is growing.VitaminsVitamins are special substances that your body needs in tiny amounts but cannot make itself.Nutrient Importance in the diet0.Carbohydrates Example: This is carried in the blood to provide energy1. Proteins 2. Fats 3.Vitamins 4.Minerals Answer the questions.5. What do you need to eat when you are growing? ___________________________6.What should you eat if you have some injuries? ____________________________помогите пожалуйста! ​

Английский язык | 322k просмотров
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+162 голосов


Task 1.


Example: This is carried in the blood to provide energy

1. Proteins

Help your body grow and recover

2. Fats

Provide the body with energy


Are vital for the proper functionig


Are needed to improve the body

Answer the questions.

5. What do you need to eat when you are growing?


6.What should you eat if you have some injuries?





What kind of food do you eat during the day?

1.I would like tomatoes

2.I would like meat

3.I would like cucumbers

Write three foods that are healthy:




Write three foods that are NOT healthy:

1.fizzy water

2.fast food


What kind of food is popular in your home country?




Which country has healthiest diet?

What advice can you give to a person to live long and healthy life?

1.do sport

2.eat healthy food

3.get rid of bad habits

Topic 2

Today I'm wearing my school uniform which is a dark blue suit that consists of a blazer and trousers. I'm also wearing a light blue shirt with a tie and a pair of black shoes. I can't say I like these clothes, but they aren't too bad. To me it's a bit boring to wear the same uniform every day.  

I would like to buy a few bright T-shirts or polo shirts and a pair of jeans.  I'm not going to wear them at school - I will wear them in the summer.

I have never bought any fashion magazines. I know that girls usually like to look through those mags, but I'm not interested. For me it is enough to have a look at my friends' clothes.

As for my favourite brands of clothing, I like Nike and H&M because their clothes are so comfy and they are of great quality.  

Some people spend lots of money on clothes because clothes make them look good and feel good about themselves.

I believe clothes say a lot about our personality. I like wearing the sporty style clothes, and they match such personality traits of mine as confidence and optimism



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