1. Match the words. 1. traffic a) seat belt2. long b) restaurant3. capital c) city4....

+349 голосов
5.6m просмотров

1. Match the words. 1. traffic a) seat belt2. long b) restaurant3. capital c) city4. wear d) gifts5. exchange e) hair 6. play f) lights7. ruined g) billiards 8. fast food h) buildings2. Choose the correct answer. 1. Brenda has got a __________brother.A twice B twin C double 2. I _______________ George last week.A saw B am seeing C see3. They usually go to school_________footA on B by C in 4. Dolphins ________________ in the water.A lived B live C are living5. My little brother ____________________ his homework now.A do B did C is doing6. There is___________food in the cupboard.A any B some C a7. John _____________________ home at 9 p.m. yesterday.A don’t come B didn’t come C isn’t coming8. I ______________________ an e-mail at the moment.A am writing B wrote C write9. My mother ___________________ coffee every morning.A drink B drinks C drank10. I’m not _______________to go to the cinema tonight.A going B will C would3. Correct the mistakes. 1.Paris is most beautiful than London. _____________________________________________2.Did you helped your mother yesterday?____________________________________________3. Alex and John is watching TV now. _____________________________________________4. I meeted him at the station yesterday.______________________________________________5. Your book is interestinger than mine. ____________________________________________4. Read the text and mark the sentences T (true), F (false) or DS (doesn’t say). Last summer Jane and Peter visited their grandmother. She lived in a small house in Oxford. The weather was nice and the children had a lot of fun. One day they saw a little dog in the street. The children took the dog home and called it Nancy. Nancy was very kind and clever. They played together every day. Autumn came and the children went back to London. They couldn’t take Nancy with them to their little flat, so Nancy stayed with the granny. The children often thought about Nancy and wanted to visit it. One morning Jane looked out the window and saw Nancy. The dog found them and came with a present. Nancy had Peter’s old trainers in the mouth! 1. Last summer the children visited their grandmother. ______2. She lived in the center of London. _______3. The children found the dog in the park. ______4.The dog was very angry and it didn’t play with the children._______ 5. Jane and Peter couldn’t take Nancy with them to London._______6. The children were glad to see Nancy again. ________​

Английский язык (20 баллов) | 5.6m просмотров
Дано ответов: 2
+154 голосов


1. traffic  -  lights

long - hair

capital - city

wear - seat belt

exchange - gifts

play - billiards

ruined - buildings

fast food - restaurant

2. Brenda has got a twin brother.

I saw George last week.

They usually go to school by foot.

Dolphins live in the water.

My little brother is doing his homework now.

There is some food in the cupboard.

John didn ' t come home at 9 p.m. yesterday.

I am writing an e-mail at the moment.

My mother drinks coffee every morning.

I’m not going to go to the cinema tonight.

3. Paris is more beautiful than London.

Did you help your mother yesterday?

Alex and John are watching TV now.

I meet him at the station yesterday.

Your book is more interesting than mine.


1. True.

2. False

3. False

4. Doesn ' t  say

5. True

6. Doesn ' t  say

(1.6k баллов)
+109 голосов


1. 1f

2. e

3. c

4. a

5. d

6. g

7. h

8. b

2. 1. b

2. a

3. a

4. b

5. c

6. b

7. b

8. a

9. b

10. a

3. 1. Paris is more beautiful than London.

2. 2.Did you help your mother yesterday?

3. Alex and John are watching TV now.

4. I met him at the station yesterday.

5. Your book is more interesting than mine.

4. 1. T

2. F

3. F

4. F

5. T

6. DS


(180 баллов)