1. I think we must call …. doctor. а) а; b) an; c) the; d) -; 2. There are …. some...

+181 голосов
5.0m просмотров

1. I think we must call …. doctor. а) а; b) an; c) the; d) -; 2. There are …. some schools in our town. а) а; b) an; c) the; d) -; 3. The Queen of England lives in …. Buckingham Palace. а) а; b) an; c) the; d) -; 4. The question is so difficult that …. can answer it. a) somebody; b) anybody; c) nobody; d) everybody; 5. The Russian grammar is …. than the English one. a) difficult; b) difficulter; c) more difficult; d) as difficult as; 6. It was …. film I’ve ever seen. a) good; b) best; c) the goodest; d) the best; 7. 3/5 a) three of fifth; b) three fifth; c) third five; d) third fifth; 8. I go to college ….. bus. a) with; b) by; c) on; d) in; 9. I’ll be back ….. 5 minutes. a) across; b) in; c) through; d) round; 10. I have looked ….. my watch everywhere. a) after; b) for; c) forward to; d) through; 11. My working day usually …. at eight o’clock. a) start; b) starts; c) starting; d) has start; 12. Where …. you …. last summer? a) have … gone; b) did …go; c) were … going; d) will …go; 13. She … a letter to a client at the moment. a) wrote; b) writes; c) is writing; d) has written; 14. I ….TV when he came. a) watch; b) am watching; c) were watched; d) was watching; 15. Bill …. not yet. a) arrives; b) arrived; c) has arrived; d) is arriving; 16. My sister …. abroad next year. a) works; b) will work; c) worked; d) has worked

Английский язык (19 баллов) | 5.0m просмотров
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+58 голосов


  1. c) the
  2. d) -
  3. d) -
  4. c) nobody
  5. c) more difficult
  6. d) the best
  7. b) three fifth
  8. b) by
  9. b) in
  10. b) for
  11. b) starts
  12. b) did …go
  13. c) is writing
  14. d) was watching
  15. c) has not arrived
  16. b) will work

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