Умоляю кто нибудь помогите решить, буду очень-очень благодарна (отдаю все 50 баллов) 4...

+565 голосов
4.1m просмотров

Умоляю кто нибудь помогите решить, буду очень-очень благодарна (отдаю все 50 баллов) 4 Match to make questions. 1 What`s your ( a ) have to go? 2 How old ( b ) any friens? 3 When ( c ) school called? 4 Who are ( d ) doing here? 5 What class ( e ) meet yesterday? 6 Have you got ( f ) is your brother? 7 What are you ( g ) is your birthday? 8 Do you ( h ) you paint this picture? 9 When did ( I ) your best friends? 10 Whom did they ( j ) is she in?

Английский язык | 4.1m просмотров
Дан 1 ответ
+53 голосов




1 -c (What's your school called?)

2 - 6 (How old is your brother?)

3- g (When is your birthday?)

4-i (Who are your best friends?)

5-j (What class is she in?)

6-b (Have you got any friends?)

7-d (What are you doing here?)

8-a( Do you have to go?) (я не уверен про этот вопрос)

9-h (When did you paint this picture?)

10-e (Whom did they meet yesterday?)

(34 баллов)