Выберите правильный вариант ответ Present Perfect или Present Perfect Continuous. Come...

+245 голосов
2.1m просмотров

Выберите правильный вариант ответ Present Perfect или Present Perfect Continuous. Come and have tea with us, I ... a cap for you. have poured have been pouring We ... Russian for many years but we often find the spelling of some Russian words difficult. have been learning have learned A number of good books ... a great influence on me. have had have been having Becky ... pets, now she has a number of them. has always been loving has always loved People ... about the problem of pollution for more than a hundred years. have known have been knowing срочьно

Английский язык | 2.1m просмотров
Дан 1 ответ
+141 голосов



https://en.puzzle-english.com/directory/present-perfect Вот здесь много пример. Прочти и ты сам будешь разбираться. Потом легче будет


у меня нет времени это читать мене щас надо