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Тест по английскому языку для учеников 6 класса

1. Найдителишнееслово.

1.        Science, History, Christmas, Maths, Physical Education

2.        day, week, language, year, month, minute

3.        square, street, queen, bridge, park, garden

4.        stay, play, study, party, pay

5.        museum, king, monument, building, tower

2. Составьтепредложения.

1.        Trafalgar, I, never, to, been, Square, have.

2.        Letter, has, Mike, already, that, read.

3.        Has, he, not, aunt, visited, his.

4.        Invited, we, just, have, friends, our.

5.        Have, work, finished, children, already, their.

6.        Mother, visited, her, I, already, have.

3. Исправьте ошибки в предложениях.

1. When he is leaving?

2. Where she lives?

3. Does he can speak German?

4. Did he came to you?

5. They married?

4. Вставьте слова в предложения.

a)        interview                        1. At … Technology students learn how to use computers.

b)        Palace                        2. Do you wear a … at school?

c)        bridge                        3. You have an interesting social … .

d)        Information                        4. Linda Silvester is giving an … to a youth magazine.

e)        programme                        5. A … is the main city in a country.                                

f)        uniform                        6. Who lives in Buckingham … ?

g)        capital

5. Выберите правильную форму глагола.

1.        I usually … detective stories and books on history.

       a)shall read                   b)read                    c)am reading

2.        I … very hard at school last year.        

       a)worked                   b)shall work          c)work

3.        Our local football team … abroad last year.        

       a)will go                  b)went                c)go

4.        How many new subjects … you … at school next year?                                                                         a)do… study         b)will…study        c)studied

5.        They … a lot of questions last Monday.

          a)ask                         b)will ask                   c)asked

6 . Выберите правильный предлог.

1.        They invited us … London (at/to/in).

2.        Who takes care … your pet (about/for/of)?

3.        Will you go abroad …October (at/in/on)?

4.        My best pen-friend is … Britain (from/out of/in).

5.        We arrived at the station … time (in/from/at).

7.        Составьте разделительный вопрос.

1.        Your parents aren’t doctors, …?

2.        They are going to study Literature, …?