3 Read and circle. 1 This photo took / was taken by my dad. 2 I invited / was invited...

+869 голосов
2.1m просмотров

3 Read and circle. 1 This photo took / was taken by my dad. 2 I invited / was invited all my friends to my birthday party. 3 This picture painted / was painted by a famous artist. 4 Jenny sent / was sent her cousin an email yesterday. 5 The children gave / were given lots of homework last week. 6 Mike scored / was scored a goal in the football match. 4 Complete the sentences. Use the past simple passive. V Irregular verb list Workbe 1 Emma was given (give) a watch for her birthday. 2 Two statues (steal) from the museum last night. 3 The Eiffel Tower (build) in 1889. 4 Our house (decorate) last year. 5 These books (write) a hundred years ago. 6 I (teach) to ride a bike when I was five.

Английский язык (24 баллов) | 2.1m просмотров
Дан 1 ответ
+135 голосов
  1. Was taken
  2. Invited
  3. Was painted
  4. Sent
  5. Were given
  6. Scored


  1. уже сделано
  2. Were stolen
  3. Was built
  4. Was decorated
  5. Were written
  6. Was taught
(5.4k баллов)