Choose the right forms of the verbs to complete the sentences. 1. I _____ the film a)...

+117 голосов
2.0m просмотров

Choose the right forms of the verbs to complete the sentences. 1. I _____ the film a) watched b)was watching when my parents ______ in. 2.She ________ tea at 5 o`clock yesterday a)had b)was having a) came b)were coming 3.When the storm ______. a) began b)was beginning Polly _______ the theatre a)left b)was leaving 4.While Bob ______ home a)drove b)was driving it ______ hard. a)snowed b)was snowing 5.She ______ the piano a)played b)was playing while he ______ the flat. a) did b) was doing 6. Betsy _____ the dog a) walked b) was walking while it ________ . a)rained b)was raining 7.When Alec _____ along the street a)ran b)was running he _____ his neighbour. a)saw b) was seeing

Английский язык | 2.0m просмотров
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+121 голосов


1. was watching, came

2. was having

3. began, left

4. was driving, was snowing

5. was playing, was doing

6. was walking, was raining

7. was running, saw

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