Выпишите все существительные по порядку ! (если существительные повторяются, выписать...

+138 голосов
3.5m просмотров

Выпишите все существительные по порядку ! (если существительные повторяются, выписать столько раз, сколько слово встречается в тексте). The music plays. The lights shine. The children laugh and talk. The monkey runs into the circus ring. He wears a purple jacket and a funny little hat. He runs, he jumps, he walks on his hands. He stands on a big ball and holds and umbrella. He rides a pink bicycle and plays a trumpet. He waves to the children. They laugh and clap. At night the monkey looks through the bars of his cage and sees the moon. He shuts his eyes and sleeps. He sees a forest, dark and green. He feels warm rain on his face. He hears a parrot, a snake, a tiger. He swings and swings and swings through the trees.

Английский язык | 3.5m просмотров
Дано ответов: 2
+156 голосов

Мusic, lights, children, monkey, circus ring, jacket, hat, hands, ball, umbrella, bicycle, trumpet, children, night, monkey, bars, cage, the moon, eyes, forest, rain, face, a parrot, a snake, a tiger, trees.

(3.2k баллов)

думаю 5 будет


спасибо 5 звезд

+151 голосов

music, lights, children, monkey, ring, jacket, hat, hands, ball, umbrella, bicycle, trumpet, children, night, monkey, bars, cage, moon, eyes, forest, rain, face, parrot, snake, tiger, trees

(397 баллов)