70 БАЛЛОВ ** ДОРОГЕ НЕ ВАЛЯЮТСЯ, ПОМОГИТЕ ПОЖАЛУЙСТА 1. Выберите подходящую форму...

+886 голосов
5.8m просмотров

70 БАЛЛОВ НА ДОРОГЕ НЕ ВАЛЯЮТСЯ, ПОМОГИТЕ ПОЖАЛУЙСТА 1. Выберите подходящую форму глагола в каждом предложении. 1. Paul asked me whether I liked travelling. - “... (Do you like/Did you like) travelling?” asked Paul. 2. He asked me if I had finished the essay. – “... (Did you finish/Had you finished) the essay?” he asked me. 3. Helen asked me if she could leave. – “... (Can/Could) I leave?” asked Helen. 4. I asked Sam where we were going. – “Where ... (are we/were we/we were) going?” I asked. 5. Mark asked Liz if she had met anyone the previous Sunday. – “... (Did you meet/Have you met) anyone last Sunday?” asked Mark. 6. The policeman asked him whether the gun belonged to him. – “... (Does/Did) the gun belong to you?” asked the policeman. 7. David asked his daughter when she would get back. – “When ... (would you get/will you get/have you got) back?” asked David. 8. Diana asked me what time the film started. – “What time ... did/does the film start?” asked Diana. 9. A passer-by asked me where the nearest toilet was. – “Where ... (was/has been/is) the nearest toilet?” asked a passer-by. 10. She wondered who would buy that car. – “Who ... (will/would) buy that car?” she wondered.

Английский язык (34 баллов) | 5.8m просмотров
Дано ответов: 2
+149 голосов


Do you like travelling?

Did you finish the essay?

Can I leave?

Where are we going?

Did you meet anyone last Sunday?

Does the gun belong to you?

When will you get back?

What time does the film start?

Where is the nearest toilet?

Who will buy that car?

+65 голосов


1) Do you like

2) Had you finished

3) Can

4) are we

5) Did you meet

6) Does

7) will you get

8) does the film start

9) is

10) will

(471 баллов)