Part 3 Complete the dialogue with the words in the box. Половина диалога ** фото,...

+766 голосов
1.8m просмотров

Part 3 Complete the dialogue with the words in the box. Половина диалога на фото, вторую напишу ниже. Слова которые нужно вставить тоже на фото.Sharon: How long das it (7).... to get there?Meryl: About fifteen minutes.Sharon: Do you mind (8)....I come and see it some day?Meryl: Of (9).... I don't mind. In fact, I can take you there now.Sharon: Come (10)...., then! Let's go!​

Английский язык (44 баллов) | 1.8m просмотров
Дан 1 ответ
+166 голосов

Meryl  Hi, Sharon!

Sharon  Hi, Mery! I hear you`ve moved toa new house. What`s it like?

Meryl  It`s really lovely, but we havent got a balcony.

Sharon  That`s a shame!

Meryl  Bit we`ve got a swimming pool!

Sharon  You`re joking!

Meryl  No, it`s true. And a huge garden!

Sharon  I don`t believe it! Lucky you! Is your house far from here?

Meryl  No, it isn`t

Sharon: How long does it take to get there?

Meryl: About fifteen minutes.

Sharon: Do you mind if

I come and see it some day?

Meryl: Of course I don't mind. In fact, I can take you there now.

Sharon: Come on, then! Let's go!​

(116 баллов)





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