1 Environmental pollution is one of … most serious problems facing humanity today. a) a...

+364 голосов
4.2m просмотров

1 Environmental pollution is one of … most serious problems facing humanity today. a) a b) the c) 0 2 … cake was cooked by my mother all evening yesterday. a) a b) the c) 0 3 I decided to visit … Ivanovs. a) a b) the c) 0 4 My mother is cooking supper at … moment. a) a b) the c) 0 5 Look at … blackboard. a) a b) the c) 0 Помогите пожалуйста с английским

Английский язык (12 баллов) | 4.2m просмотров
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Environmental pollution is one of the most serious problems facing humanity today.

The cake was cooked by my mother all evening yesterday.

I decided to visit the Ivanovs.

My mother is cooking supper at the moment.

Look at the blackboard.

(1.8k баллов)