Translate into English, using not + participle or without -(gerund. 1. Смотритель...

+176 голосов
5.5m просмотров

Translate into English, using not + participle or without -(gerund. 1. Смотритель (posmaster), не отвечая, вошел в залу. (Пушкин) 2. Не получая ответа, Дуня подняла голову... и с криком упала на ковер. (Пушкин) 3. Маша по целым дням, не осушая глаз (to dry one's eyes) плакала... (Л. Толстой) 4. Не закончив своей речи, он побежал за уходившею (retreating) девушкой. (Тургенев) 5. Не зная пароля (password), я хотел молча проехать мимо них. (Пушкин) 6. Не имея привычки (to be in the habit) кокетничать с прохожими офицерами, она [Лиза] перестала глядеть на улицу, и шила около двух часов, не приподнимая головы. (Пушкин) 7. Но Василий Иванович, не оборачиваясь, только рукой махнул и вышел. (Тургенев) 8. Но обойдя кругом (to make the round of...) палубу, и не найдя Даши, Иван Ильич взволновался, стал заглядывать (to search) повсюду. Даши нигде не было. (А. Толстой) 9. Берг еще что-то говорил, но Ростов, не дослушав его (to hear somebody to the end), уже поехал дальше. (Л. Толстой) 10. Соня, Наташа спали не раздеваясь, в диванной. (Л. Толстой) 11. Наташа подошла к нему и спросила, что с ним. Он [князь Андрей] не ответил ей и, не понимая ее, посмотрел на нее странным взглядом. (Л. Толстой) 12. Алексей Александрович вздохнул, и не сказав больше ничего, отправился в спальню. (Л. Толстой) 13. Он... оглянулся своими сощуренными (half-shut) глазами и, взглянув на князя Андрея, видимо не узнав его, зашагал... к крыльцу (the steps). (Л. Толстой) 14. Княгиня Бетси, не дождавшись конца последнего акта, уехала из театра. (Л. Толстой) 15. Анна, не отвечая мужу, подняла бинокль и смотрела на то место, где упал Вронский... (Л. Толстой)

Английский язык | 5.5m просмотров
Дано ответов: 2
+190 голосов


1. The caretaker (posmaster), without answering, entered the hall. (Pushkin) 2. Not receiving an answer, Dunya raised her head ... and screamed down on the carpet. (Pushkin) 3. Masha all day, without drying her eyes (to dry one's eyes) cried ... (L. Tolstoy) 4. Without finishing his speech, he ran for a retreating girl. (Turgenev) 5. Not knowing the password (password), I wanted to silently drive past them. (Pushkin) 6. Not having the habit (to be in the habit) of flirting with passers-by officers, she [Lisa] stopped looking at the street, and sewed for about two hours, without raising her head. (Pushkin) 7. But Vasily Ivanovich, without turning around, only waved his hand and went out. (Turgenev) 8. But going around the deck (to make the round of ...), and not finding Dasha, Ivan Ilyich got excited, began to look (to search) everywhere. Dasha was nowhere to be found. (A. Tolstoy) 9. Berg was still saying something, but Rostov, not having listened to him (to hear somebody to the end), had already gone on. (L. Tolstoy) 10. Sonya, Natasha slept without undressing in the sofa. (L. Tolstoy) 11. Natasha came up to him and asked what was wrong with him. He [Prince Andrei] did not answer her and, not understanding her, looked at her with a strange look. (L. Tolstoy) 12. Alexey Alexandrovich sighed, and without saying anything else, went to the bedroom. (L. Tolstoy) 13. He ... looked around with his half-shut eyes and, looking at Prince Andrei, apparently not recognizing him, strode ... to the porch (the steps). (L. Tolstoy) 14. Princess Betsy, not waiting for the end of the last act, left the theater. (L. Tolstoy) 15. Anna, not answering her husband, picked up the binoculars and looked at the place where Vronsky fell ... (L. Tolstoy

+124 голосов

1. The postmaster, without answering, entered the hall. (Pushkin)

2. Not receiving an answer, Dunya raised her head ... and fell on the carpet screaming. (Pushkin)

3. Masha cried for days without draining her eyes... (L.Tolstoy)

4. Without finishing his speech, he ran after the girl who was retreating. (Turgenev)

5. Not knowing the password, I wanted to silently drive past them. (Pushkin)

6. Not being in a habit of flirting with passers-by officers, she [Lisa] stopped looking at the street, and sewed for about two hours without raising her head. (Pushkin)

7.But Vasily Ivanovich, without turning around, only waved his hand and went out. (Turgenev)

8.But making the round of the deck, and not finding Dasha, Ivan Ilyich got excited, began to search everywhere. Dasha was nowhere to be found. (A.Tolstoy)

9. Berg was still saying something, but Rostov, not having heard him to the end, had already gone on. (L.Tolstoy)

10. Sonya, Natasha slept without undressing in the living room. (L.Tolstoy)

11. Natasha went up to him and asked what was wrong with him. He [Prince Andrei] did not answer her and, not understanding her, looked at her with a strange look.(L.Tolstoy)

12. Alexey Alexandrovich sighed, and without saying anything else, went to the bedroom. (L.Tolstoy)

13. He ... looked around with half-shut eyes and, looking at Prince Andrei, apparently not recognizing him, strode ... to the steps.(L.Tolstoy)

14. Princess Betsy, not waiting for the end of the last act, left the theater. (L.Tolstoy)

15. Anna, not responding to her husband, raised the binoculars and looked at the place where Vronsky fell ... (L.Tolstoy)

(1.8k баллов)