21. My friend … the university next year. a) entered c) will enter b) enters d)will be...

+310 голосов
575k просмотров

21. My friend … the university next year. a) entered c) will enter b) enters d)will be entering 22. He is … student in our group. a) brighter c) well b) the brightest d) better 23. The analysis … already … . a) will made c) will have been made b) has been made d) is made 24. … Monday usually we have many lessons. a) At c) On b) In d) By 25. This drug … very seldom because of it cost. a) are prescribed c) prescribed b) prescribe d) is prescribed 26. This scientific work … two months ago. a) is completing c) completed b) completes d) was completed 27. Various methods of treatment … at the medical conferences. a) is discussed c) are discussed b) discuss d) will discuss 28. You are to be a good pharmacist. a) Вы должны быть хорошим провизором. b) Вы можете стать хорошим провизором. c) Он сможет стать хорошим провизором. d) Oн – хороший провизор. 29. The chemist’s was open, so luckily I … buy some aspirin. a) can c) can’t b) could d) may 30. … is a substance that you take to treat illness. a) medicine c) soup b) art d) water

Английский язык (19 баллов) | 575k просмотров

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+66 голосов

21. d) will entering

22. b) the brightest

23. b) has already been made

24. c) On

25. b) prescribe

26. c) completed

27. b) discuss

28. b) Вы можете стать хорошим провизором.

29. a) can

30. a) medicine

(147k баллов)