Раскройте скобки и употребите глаголы в соответствующей форме. What {to happen) to the...

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44.4k просмотров

Раскройте скобки и употребите глаголы в соответствующей форме. What {to happen) to the equilibrium price of a product when its quantity {to supply) by producers {to change)"? For example, with an improvement in technology of wheat production wheat farmers {to wish) and {to be) able {to supply) more wheat at a given price than they {to do) before. How it {to influence) the equilibrium price? Clearly, it {to fall). But if the weather {to be) poor, the {to supply) quantity of wheat {to decrease). How it {to influence) the equilibrium price? It {to go) up. In 1984, police officers (to concern) with narcotics consumption in the United States {to show) what a change in {to supply) quantity {can) {to do). There {to be) a massive increase in the quantity of coca production in South America and the quantity of cocaine {to supply) to the United States {to raise) dramatically. The result {to be) a big fall in the price of cocaine. In some parts of the United States, cocaine {to sell) in 1984 for one-half to one-third the price of a year before. One of federal officials {to say): "At no time in the modern history of international drug control the price of a drug {to drop) by half so quickly."

Английский язык | 44.4k просмотров

will happen (happens)
are able
to supply
will it influence (does it influence)
will decrease (decreases)
It will go (It goes)
can do

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+123 голосов

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What {happens) to the equilibrium price of a product when its quantity {supplied) by producers {changes)"? For example, with an improvement in technology of wheat production wheat farmers {wish) and {to be) able {to supply) more wheat at a given price than they {did) before. How does it {influence) the equilibrium price? Clearly, it {falls). But if the weather {is) poor, the {supplied) quantity of wheat {decreases). How does it {influence) the equilibrium price? It {goes) up. In 1984, police officers (concerned) with narcotics consumption in the United States {showed) what a change in {supplied) quantity {can) {do). There {was) a massive increase in the quantity of coca production in South America and the quantity of cocaine {supplied) to the United States {rose) dramatically. The result {was) a big fall in the price of cocaine. In some parts of the United States, cocaine {was sold) in 1984 for one-half to one-third the price of a year before. One of federal officials {said): "At no time in the modern history of international drug control the price of a drug {had dropped) by half so quickly."

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